A CUDA Dynamic Parallelism Case Study: PANDA – NVIDIA Technical Blog News and tutorials for developers, data scientists, and IT admins 2025-03-21T20:30:26Z http://www.open-lab.net/blog/feed/ Andy Adinets <![CDATA[A CUDA Dynamic Parallelism Case Study: PANDA]]> http://www.open-lab.net/blog/parallelforall/?p=3278 2022-08-21T23:37:05Z 2014-06-12T16:15:12Z This post concludes an introductory series on CUDA dynamic parallelism. In this post, I finish the series with a case study on an?online track reconstruction...]]> This post concludes an introductory series on CUDA dynamic parallelism. In this post, I finish the series with a case study on an?online track reconstruction...

This post concludes an introductory series on CUDA dynamic parallelism. In this post, I finish the series with a case study on an online track reconstruction algorithm for the high-energy physics PANDA experiment. The PANDA work was carried out in the scope of the NVIDIA Application Lab at J��lich. PANDA (anti-Proton ANnihilation at DArmstadt) is a state-of-the-art hadron��

