The U.S. Army introduced its newest supercomputer, Excalibur, which will help to ensure Soldiers have the technological advantage on the battlefield. Increased computational capabilities will allow researchers bring improved communications, data and intelligence to Soldiers in the field, said Maj. Gen. John F. Wharton, commanding general of the U.S. Army Research, Development and Engineering Command.
“The Army Operating Concept discusses innovation and accelerating the speed of technology. The Excalibur will allow us to do that,” he said. “You will set the standard for our nation and armed forces as we work into the future.

“The capability you give is decisive overmatch for our Army. It gives our Soldiers an advantage when we can tie the tactical network to instantly get data back to the field.”
Researchers will use the Excalibur to study underbody blasts on combat vehicles, protection of Soldiers in extreme ballistic environments, tactical networks, cybersecurity network modeling, and real-time data analytics.
Russell said the Excalibur will improve every military scientific and engineering domain.
“Computational science feeds into all our areas of research,” Russell said. “Here we are today with computing capability far exceeding anything anyone of us would have ever imagined.”
The high performance computing system is harnessing the power of NVIDIA Tesla K40 GPUs to accelerate the research at the U.S. Army Research Laboratory.
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