NVSHMEM is a parallel programming interface that provides efficient and scalable communication for NVIDIA GPU clusters. Part of NVIDIA Magnum IO and based on OpenSHMEM, NVSHMEM creates a global address space for data that spans the memory of multiple GPUs and can be accessed with fine-grained GPU-initiated operations, CPU-initiated operations, and operations on CUDA streams.
]]>NVSHMEM 2.0 is introducing a new API for performing collective operations based on the Team Management feature of the OpenSHMEM 1.5 specification. A team is a subset of processing elements (PEs) in an OpenSHMEM job. The concept is analogous to communicators in MPI. The new Teams API is a replacement for the active-set-based API for collective operations in the OpenSHMEM specification that was…
]]>When you double the number of processors used to solve a given problem, you expect the solution time to be cut in half. However, most programmers know from experience that applications tend to reach a point of diminishing returns when increasing the number of processors being used to solve a fixed-size problem. How efficiently an application can use more processors is called parallel…