NVIDIA AI Workbench, a toolkit for AI and ML developers, is now generally available as a free download. It features automation that removes roadblocks for novice developers and makes experts more productive. Developers can experience a fast and reliable GPU environment setup and the freedom to work, manage, and collaborate across heterogeneous platforms regardless of skill level.
]]>There are many benefits of GPUs in scaling AI, ranging from faster model training to GPU-accelerated fraud detection. While planning AI models and deployed apps, scalability challenges—especially performance and storage—must be accounted for. Regardless of the use case, AI solutions have four elements in common: Of these elements, data storage is often the most neglected during…
]]>If you’re wondering how an AI server is different from an AI workstation, you’re not the only one. Assuming strictly AI use cases with minimal graphics workload, obvious differences can be minimal to none. You can technically use one as the other. However, the results from each will be radically different depending on the workload each is asked to perform. For this reason, it’s important to…
]]>Artificial intelligence (AI) is becoming pervasive in the enterprise. Speech recognition, recommenders, and fraud detection are just a few applications among hundreds being driven by AI and deep learning (DL) To support these AI applications, businesses look toward optimizing AI servers and performance networks. Unfortunately, storage infrastructure requirements are often overlooked in the…
]]>Any business or industry, from retail and healthcare to financial services, is subject to fraud. The cost of fraud can be staggering. Every $1 of fraud loss costs financial firms about $4 to mitigate. Online sellers will lose $130B to online payment fraud between 2018 and 2023. By using AI and big data analytics, enterprises can efficiently prevent fraud attempts in real time.
]]>Data scientists wrestle with many challenges that slow development. There are operational tasks, including software stack management, installation, and updates that impact productivity. Reproducing state-of-the-art assets can be difficult as modern workflows include many tedious and complex tasks. Access to the tools you need is not always fast or convenient. Also, the use of multiple tools and…