Tony Scudiero

Tony Scudiero is a technical marketing engineer for the CUDA platform. He works to bring CUDA to developers of every type and ability. He has worked with large HPC systems and applications, real-time acoustic simulations (VRWorks Audio), and the Omniverse RTX Renderer during his tenure at NVIDIA.
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Posts by Tony Scudiero

Development & Optimization

Understanding PTX, the Assembly Language of CUDA GPU Computing

Parallel thread execution (PTX) is a virtual machine instruction set architecture that has been part of CUDA from its beginning. You can think of PTX as the... 13 MIN READ
Simulation / Modeling / Design

Separate Compilation and Linking of CUDA C++ Device Code

Managing complexity in?large programs requires breaking them down into components that are responsible for small, well-defined portions of the overall program.... 13 MIN READ