Ann Spencer

Ann Spencer is a senior product marketing manager for Merlin. Prior to joining NVIDIA, she held product and research roles at various data companies. She was also the Data Editor at O'Reilly Media focused on data engineering and data science from 2012-2014.
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Posts by Ann Spencer

Gif scrolling through different workflow examples such as personalized recommenders, speech AI, and route optimization.
Conversational AI

ICYMI: New and Updated AI Workflows Announced at NVIDIA GTC 2023

NVIDIA showed how AI workflows can be leveraged to help you accelerate the development of AI solutions to address a range of use cases at NVIDIA GTC 2023. AI... 7 MIN READ
NVIDIA Merlin recommender workflow.
Data Science

NVIDIA Merlin Extends Open Source Interoperability for Recommender Workflows with Latest Update

Data scientists and machine learning engineers use many methods, techniques, and tools to prep, build, train, deploy, and optimize their machine learning... 2 MIN READ
AI / Deep Learning

Accelerating Embedding with the HugeCTR TensorFlow Embedding Plugin

Recommender systems are the economic engine of the Internet. It is hard to imagine any other type of applications with more direct impact in our daily digital... 12 MIN READ
Data Science

NVIDIA Earns 1st Place in RecSys Challenge 2021

The NVIDIA Merlin and KGMON team earned 1st place in the RecSys Challenge 2021 by effectively predicting the probability of user engagement within a dynamic... 2 MIN READ
Data Science

NVIDIA Merlin Latest Enhancements Streamlines Recommender Workflows with .5 Release

Billions of people in the world are online. Many discrete moments online are spent browsing, shopping, streaming entertainment, or engaging with social media.... 3 MIN READ
Data Science

NVIDIA Deepens Commitment to Streamlining Recommender Workflows with GTC Spring Sessions

Ensuring recommenders are meaningful, personalized, and relevant to a single customer is not easy. Scaling a personalized recommender experience to hundreds of... 2 MIN READ