Chelsea Gomatam

Chelsea Gomatam is the product marketing manager for genomics at NVIDIA, where she leads product positioning for NVIDIA accelerated computing and genomics analysis software, including NVIDIA Parabricks. Her product marketing background spans across a range of industries, including e-commerce and FinTech. Prior to NVIDIA, she was the associate director of product marketing at Bolt, where she led go-to-marketing strategy for the e-commerce checkout company. She has also worked at Feedzai, an AI fraud prevention company, and as an account manager at Oracle. Chelsea has a bachelor’s degree from UC Berkeley.
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Posts by Chelsea Gomatam

A germline illustration.
Data Science

Shrink Genomics and Single-Cell Analysis Time to Minutes with NVIDIA Parabricks and NVIDIA AI Blueprints

NVIDIA Parabricks is a scalable genomics analysis software suite that solves omics challenges with accelerated computing and deep learning to unlock new... 8 MIN READ
Data Science

Discover New Biological Insights with Accelerated Pangenome Alignment in NVIDIA Parabricks

NVIDIA Parabricks is a scalable genomics analysis software suite that solves omics challenges with accelerated computing and deep learning to unlock new... 8 MIN READ
Decorative image of genomic sequencing.
Data Science

Unlock Deeper Insights of Somatic Mutations with Deep Learning

NVIDIA Parabricks expands the NVIDIA emphasis on solving omics challenges with deep learning and continues accelerating genomics instruments. NVIDIA Parabricks... 5 MIN READ