Fay?al A?t Aoudia

Fay?al A?t Aoudia is a senior research scientist at NVIDIA working on the convergence of wireless communications and machine learning. Before joining NVIDIA, he was a research scientist at Nokia Bell Labs, France. He is one of the maintainers and core developers of the Sionna open-source link-level simulator.
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Posts by Fay?al A?t Aoudia

Simulation / Modeling / Design

Real-Time Neural Receivers Drive AI-RAN Innovation

Today’s 5G New Radio (5G NR) wireless communication systems rely on highly optimized signal processing algorithms to reconstruct transmitted messages from... 11 MIN READ
Radio map of coverage over Paris.
Simulation / Modeling / Design

Fast and Differentiable Radio Maps with NVIDIA Instant RM

Wireless networks are the essential infrastructure that enables seamless connectivity. To ensure the best performance, whether in a single building or a whole... 4 MIN READ