Gary Burnett

Gary is a Solution Architect at NVIDIA on the Professional Visualizations team working in Media and Entertainment. He joined NVIDIA in 2017 after graduating from MIT with degrees in computer science and neuroscience. Gary’s role involves working directly with customers in order to create applications that leverage deep learning for visual effects including image processing, character locomotion, and pose estimation.
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Posts by Gary Burnett

Live cell image showing cell segmentations.
Data Science

Cell Imaging Feature Extraction and Morphology Clustering for Spatial Omics

VISTA-2D is a new foundational model from NVIDIA that can quickly and accurately perform cell segmentation, a fundamental task in cell imaging and spatial omics... 8 MIN READ
Computer Vision / Video Analytics

GPU-Accelerated Tools Added to NVIDIA Clara Parabricks v3.6 for Cancer and Germline Analyses

The release of NVIDIA Clara Parabricks v3.6 brings new applications for variant calling, annotation, filtering, and quality control to its suite of powerful... 5 MIN READ
Data Science

Object Detection on GPUs in 10 Minutes

Object detection remains the primary driver for applications such as autonomous driving and intelligent video analytics. Object detection applications require... 21 MIN READ