Jens Eisert

Jens Eisert is a professor of quantum physics at the Freie Universit?t Berlin and is affiliated with the Helmholtz Center Berlin. He develops new technological applications based on insights into quantum mechanics and tries to understand the complexity of complex quantum systems. It is characteristic for his work to make use of tools of theoretical physics and mathematics, but to apply them to pragmatically motivated problems. He is one of the most visible and prolific researchers in his field. On the basis of his work, he has been awarded two ERC grants, a EURYI award (the predecessor of the ERC StG), and a Google NISQ award.
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Posts by Jens Eisert

Simulation / Modeling / Design

Simulating Quantum Dynamics Systems with NVIDIA GPUs

Quantum dynamics describe how objects obeying the laws of quantum mechanics interact with their surroundings, ultimately enabling predictions about how matter... 7 MIN READ