Jiri Kraus

Jiri Kraus is a senior developer technology engineer with NVIDIA, where he works as a performance expert for GPU high performance computing applications. Jiri has over eight years of experience in scientific computing and HPC. A primary focus of his work is multi-GPU programming models.

Posts by Jiri Kraus

Simulation / Modeling / Design

Accelerating NVSHMEM 2.0 Team-Based Collectives Using NCCL

NVSHMEM 2.0 is introducing a new API for performing collective operations based on the Team Management feature of the OpenSHMEM 1.5 specification. A team is a... 9 MIN READ
Simulation / Modeling / Design

Increase Performance with GPU Boost and K80 Autoboost

NVIDIA? GPU Boost™?is a feature available on NVIDIA? GeForce? and Tesla? GPUs that?boosts application performance by increasing GPU core and memory... 11 MIN READ
GPU Pro Tip
Simulation / Modeling / Design

CUDA Pro Tip: Profiling MPI Applications

When I profile MPI+CUDA applications, sometimes performance issues only occur for certain MPI ranks. To fix these, it's necessary to identify the MPI rank where... 4 MIN READ
Simulation / Modeling / Design

Accelerating a C++ CFD Code with OpenACC

Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) is a valuable tool to study the behavior of fluids. Today, many areas of engineering use CFD. For example, the automotive... 12 MIN READ
GPU Pro Tip
Simulation / Modeling / Design

CUDA Pro Tip: Generate Custom Application Profile Timelines with NVTX

The last time you used the timeline feature in the NVIDIA Visual Profiler, Nsight VSE or the new Nsight Systems to analyze a complex application, you might have... 9 MIN READ
Simulation / Modeling / Design

Benchmarking CUDA-Aware MPI

I introduced CUDA-aware MPI in my last post, with an introduction to MPI and a description of the functionality and benefits of CUDA-aware MPI. In this post I... 8 MIN READ