Jochen Papenbrock

Jochen Papenbrock is in Frankfurt, Germany, Jochen has spent the last 15 years in various roles on the topic of AI in Financial Services, as a thought leader, implementer, researcher, and ecosystem shaper. He is a financial data scientist and received his degree and Ph.D. from the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT). As a consultant, entrepreneur, and researcher he worked with well-known asset managers, banks, insurance companies, and central banks. He is a manager at NVIDIA and works with partners, communities, and developers in financial services in Europe and also in some global teams. Jochen is a board member of the EU Horizon 2020 project ‘FIN-TECH’, specialty chief co-editor (Co) at Frontiers ‘AI in Finance’, and project leader in GAIA-X. He has published on AI and quantitative finance in Journal of Financial Data Science, Journal of Investment Strategies, Financial Markets and Portfolio Management, Quantitative Finance, Applied Financial Economics, Frontiers Journal of AI in Finance, and Journal of Network Theory in Finance.
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Posts by Jochen Papenbrock

Data Science

Event: Developer Day for Financial Services

Join this virtual developer day to learn how AI and Machine Learning can revolutionize fraud detection and financial crime prevention. 1 MIN READ

Best Practices: Explainable AI Powered by Synthetic Data

Data sits at the heart of model explainability. Explainable AI (XAI) is a rapidly advancing field looking to provide insights into the complex decision-making... 8 MIN READ
Data Science

Accelerating Trustworthy AI for Credit Risk Management

On April 21, 2021, the EU Commission of the European Union issued a proposal for a regulation to harmonize the rules governing the design and marketing of AI... 13 MIN READ
Data Science

Deep Learning vs Machine Learning Challenger Models for Default Risk with Explainability

Data Scientists and Machine Learning Engineers often face the dilemma of “machine learning compared to deep learning” classifier usage for their business... 18 MIN READ
Data Science

Accelerating Interpretable Machine Learning for Diversified Portfolio Construction

Munich Re is one of the world's leading providers of reinsurance, primary insurance, and insurance-related risk solutions. Munich Re Markets is helping the... 11 MIN READ