Martin Steinegger

Dr. Steinegger is an associate professor in the Biology Department at Seoul National University, with a joint appointment to the Interdisciplinary Program in Bioinformatics. He started his research group in 2020, focusing on the development of methods to analyze massive genomics and proteomic datasets. The group's contributions to bioinformatics include widely used tools for predicting structures (ColabFold/AlphaFold2), clustering (Linclust), assembling (Plass), and searching sequences (MMseqs2) and protein structures (Foldseek). His group's software and web services have been installed and used millions of times. Dr. Steinegger is an advocate for internationality at his home institution, open science and open source.
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Posts by Martin Steinegger

A protein structure illustration.
Data Science

Boost Alphafold2 Protein Structure Prediction with GPU-Accelerated MMseqs2

The ability to compare the sequences of multiple related proteins is a foundational task for many life science researchers. This is often done in the form of a... 9 MIN READ