Prachi Goel

Prachi Goel is a product marketing manager supporting accelerated data science at NVIDIA. Before joining NVIDIA, she was a product manager for the Smart Cities group at Cisco Systems. She holds her MBA from the Anderson School of Management at the University of California, Los Angeles.
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Posts by Prachi Goel

Data Science

Just Released: RAPIDS 24.08

RAPIDS 24.08 is now available with significant updates geared towards processing larger workloads and seamless CPU/GPU interoperability. 1 MIN READ
Data Science

RAPIDS cuDF Unified Memory Accelerates pandas up to 30x on Large Datasets

NVIDIA has released RAPIDS cuDF unified memory and text data processing features that help data scientists continue to use pandas when working with larger and... 6 MIN READ
Data Science

RAPIDS cuDF Instantly Accelerates pandas up to 50x?on Google Colab

At Google I/O'24, Laurence Moroney, head of AI Advocacy at Google, announced that RAPIDS cuDF is now integrated into Google Colab. Developers can now instantly... 3 MIN READ
Data Science

Accelerated Data Analytics: Speed Up Data Exploration with RAPIDS cuDF

This post is part of a series on accelerated data analytics. Digital advancements in climate modeling, healthcare, finance, and retail are generating... 11 MIN READ
Abstract bar graph
Data Science

Accelerated Data Analytics: Faster Time Series Analysis with RAPIDS cuDF

This post is part of a series on accelerated data analytics. Because it is generally constrained to a single core, a standard exploratory data analysis (EDA)... 9 MIN READ

Enhancing Zero Trust Security with Data

As digital enterprise trends like remote and hybrid work, bring-your-own-device (BYOD), and cloud-based infrastructure evolve how devices and users interact... 5 MIN READ