Qian Lin – NVIDIA Technical Blog News and tutorials for developers, data scientists, and IT admins 2023-07-27T18:54:18Z http://www.open-lab.net/blog/feed/ Qian Lin <![CDATA[Near-Range Obstacle Perception with Early Grid Fusion]]> http://www.open-lab.net/blog/?p=67214 2023-07-27T18:54:18Z 2023-07-12T19:33:56Z Automatic parking assist must overcome some unique challenges when perceiving obstacles. An ego vehicle contains sensors that perceive the environment around...]]>

Automatic parking assist must overcome some unique challenges when perceiving obstacles. An ego vehicle contains sensors that perceive the environment around the vehicle. During parking, the ego vehicle must be close to dynamic obstacles like pedestrians and other vehicles, as well as static obstacles such as pillars and poles. To fit into the parking spot, it also may be required to navigate low…


Qian Lin <![CDATA[Developing Robotics Applications in Python with NVIDIA Isaac SDK]]> http://www.open-lab.net/blog/?p=19918 2022-08-21T23:40:35Z 2020-08-25T23:39:06Z The modular and easy-to-use perception stack of NVIDIA Isaac SDK continues to accelerate the development of various mobile robots. Isaac SDK 2020.1 introduces...]]>

The modular and easy-to-use perception stack of NVIDIA Isaac SDK continues to accelerate the development of various mobile robots. Isaac SDK 2020.1 introduces the Python API, making it easier to build robotic applications for those who are familiar with Python. In this post, we explore this feature and share a step-by-step guide to building your own Isaac applications with Python.

