Ram Cherukuri

Ram Cherukuri is a senior product manager for Modulus, the Physics-ML platform for AI in science and engineering . He is also the product manager for DLA software, working with embedded AI developers and was part of the CUDA product management team. Prior to NVIDIA, Ram was a product manager at MathWorks for code generation and verification products for embedded software development, working with automotive and aero-def customers. He holds a master’s degree in aerospace engineering from Purdue University and a bachelor’s degree in the same discipline from IIT Bombay.
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Posts by Ram Cherukuri

Simulation / Modeling / Design

Spotlight: BRLi and Toulouse INP Develop AI-Based Flood Models Using NVIDIA Modulus

Flooding poses a significant threat to 1.5 billion people, making it the most common cause of major natural disasters. Floods cause up to $25 billion in global... 6 MIN READ
Simulation / Modeling / Design

Just Released: NVIDIA Modulus v24.07

NVIDIA Modulus 24.07 brings new GNN enhancements and application samples for training with large meshes. 1 MIN READ
Data Center / Cloud

Spotlight: HP 3D Printing Open Sources AI Surrogates for Additive Manufacturing Using NVIDIA Modulus

An open ecosystem for physics-informed machine learning (physics-ML) fosters innovation and AI engineering applications. Physics-ML embeds into the learning... 7 MIN READ
Simulation / Modeling / Design

Spotlight: Siemens Energy Accelerates Power Grid Asset Simulation 10,000x Using NVIDIA Modulus

The world’s energy system is increasingly complex and distributed due to increasing renewable energy generation, decentralization of energy resources, and... 9 MIN READ
Simulation / Modeling / Design

Just Released: NVIDIA Modulus v24.04

Modulus v24.04 delivers an optimized CorrDiff model and Earth2Studio for exploring weather AI models. 1 MIN READ
Image of windvanes over water at night.
Simulation / Modeling / Design

Just Released: NVIDIA Modulus 24.01

NVIDIA Modulus 24.01 updates distributed utilities and samples for physics informing DeepONet and GNNs. 1 MIN READ