Tomas Akenine-Moller

Tomas Akenine-M?ller is a distinguished research scientist at NVIDIA, and currently on leave from his position as professor in computer graphics at Lund University. Tomas co-authored Real-Time Rendering, Immersive Linear Algebra, and co-edited Ray Tracing Gems I.
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Posts by Tomas Akenine-Moller

Content Creation / Rendering

Rendering in Real Time with Spatiotemporal Blue Noise Textures, Part 2

In the first post, Rendering in Real Time with Spatiotemporal Blue Noise, Part 1,  we introduced the time axis and importance sampling to blue noise... 17 MIN READ
Content Creation / Rendering

Rendering in Real Time with Spatiotemporal Blue Noise Textures, Part 1

Blue noise textures are useful for providing per-pixel random values to make noise patterns in renderings. Blue noise textures are harder to see and easier to... 11 MIN READ