Yan Cheng

Yan Cheng is the lead of the engineering team that works closely with the DLMED researchers to architect and implement the Clara Train SDK. He has many years of experience building industry-quality software systems. Before joining NVIDIA, he served as a chief architect for AOL, and did IT consulting for the federal government.
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Posts by Yan Cheng

Data Science

Security for Data Privacy in Federated Learning with CUDA-Accelerated Homomorphic Encryption in XGBoost

XGBoost is a machine learning algorithm widely used for tabular data modeling. To expand the XGBoost model from single-site learning to multisite collaborative... 10 MIN READ
Decorative image of NVFLARE use cases.
Data Science

Federated XGBoost Made Practical and Productive with NVIDIA FLARE

XGBoost is a highly effective and scalable machine learning algorithm widely employed for regression, classification, and ranking tasks. Building on the... 6 MIN READ
Computer Vision / Video Analytics

Creating Robust and Generalizable AI Models with NVIDIA FLARE

Federated learning (FL) has become a reality for many real-world applications. It enables multinational collaborations on a global scale to build more robust... 6 MIN READ
Data Science

Powering AutoML-enabled AI Model Training with Clara Train

Deep neural networks (DNNs) have been successfully applied to volume segmentation and other medical imaging tasks. They are capable of achieving... 8 MIN READ
Data Science

Annotate, Build, and Adapt Models for Medical Imaging with the Clara Train SDK

Deep Learning?in medical imaging has shown great potential for disease detection, localization, and classification within radiology. Deep Learning holds the... 9 MIN READ