Yuhong Wen – NVIDIA Technical Blog News and tutorials for developers, data scientists, and IT admins 2024-05-10T00:27:35Z http://www.open-lab.net/blog/feed/ Yuhong Wen <![CDATA[Creating Robust and Generalizable AI Models with NVIDIA FLARE]]> http://www.open-lab.net/blog/?p=41709 2024-05-10T00:27:35Z 2021-11-29T22:37:03Z Federated learning (FL) has become a reality for many real-world applications. It enables multinational collaborations on a global scale to build more robust...]]>

Federated learning (FL) has become a reality for many real-world applications. It enables multinational collaborations on a global scale to build more robust and generalizable machine learning and AI models. For more information, see Federated learning for predicting clinical outcomes in patients with COVID-19. NVIDIA FLARE v2.0 is an open-source FL SDK that is making it easier for data…


Yuhong Wen <![CDATA[Federated Learning powered by NVIDIA Clara]]> http://www.open-lab.net/blog/?p=15965 2022-09-02T23:07:33Z 2019-12-01T15:00:41Z AI requires massive amounts of data. This is particularly true for industries such as healthcare. For example, training an automatic tumor diagnostic system...]]>

AI requires massive amounts of data. This is particularly true for industries such as healthcare. For example, training an automatic tumor diagnostic system often requires a large database in order to capture the full spectrum of possible anatomies and pathological patterns. In order to build robust AI algorithms, hospitals and medical institutions often need to collaboratively share and combine…

