Real-time ray tracing – the holy grail of graphics, considered unattainable for decades – is now possible for video games. Thanks to advances in GPU hardware and integration in standards like DirectX, game developers will eagerly add ray tracing to take the next step in visual quality and ease of content creation.
To help game developers accelerate information sharing, NVIDIA is working with leading graphics researchers to publish a compilation of articles in a book titled “Ray Tracing Gems.”
The book, to be ready by GDC 2019, will focus on real-time and interactive ray tracing for game development using the recently released DXR API from Microsoft. We invite papers on the following topics:
- Basic ray-tracing algorithms (intersection testing, spatial data structures, etc.)
- Effects (shadows, reflections, ambient occlusion, etc.)
- Non-graphics applications (for example, audio)
- Reconstruction, denoising, and filtering
- Efficiency and best practices
- Ray tracing API and design
- Rasterization and ray tracing
- Global Illumination
- VR
- Deep learning
- … and any other notable work related to ray tracing
- October 15, 2018: submission deadline
- December 3, 2018: notification of conditionally and fully accepted papers
- December 17, 2018: submission deadline for final revisions
- GDC 2019: Publication (printed book and e-book)
All deadlines are firm at 20:00 UTC/GMT.
Review process:
NVIDIA research scientist Tomas Akenine-M?ller will lead the editorial team that will select and compile material for “Ray Tracing Gems.” Akenine-M?ller holds a Ph.D. in computer graphics, has performed research in industry and academia, taught computer science at Lund University in Sweden, and co-authored the book “Real-Time Rendering.”
Akenine-M?ller will work with graphics experts at NVIDIA, in academia, and throughout the industry to review submissions. Papers will be either fully accepted, conditionally accepted, or rejected. Papers will be judged on novelty, usefulness, and importance to industry and academia.
Paper length and formatting:
Papers of any length will be evaluated, but most submissions are expected to be four to 20 pages. Longer submissions need to provide a greater contribution to the community.