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  • Simulation / Modeling / Design

    Deadline Approaching for February 2016 GPU EuroHack

    In partnership with Jülich Supercomputing Center and Oak Ridge National Labs, TU Dresden? is hosting a “EuroHack” GPU Hackathon February 29 to March 4, 2016 at their Germany campus.
    Paired with two GPU mentors each, teams of scientific application developers will set forth on a five-day project to accelerate?their code with GPUs. The mentors provide guidance based on extensive experience programming with OpenACC and CUDA at national laboratories, universities and accelerated computing vendors.
    “The goal of the events is for mentors to help the teams prepare their next-generation applications for the next generation of heterogeneous supercomputers and for the teams to help mentors to gain insights on how to improve their tools and methods,” said Wen-mei Hwu, co-principal investigator for Blue Waters supercomputer.
    Teams interested in applying, should read the general information on the Oak Ridge National Labs website, then fill out the Team Application. Participation is free of charge – this is a fantastic opportunity for developers, and mentors who assist them, to work with their peers in an intense week-long format. Prior GPU experience is not required.
    The application deadline for the EuroHack has been extended until December 31, 2015.
    Other confirmed 2016 GPU Hackathon events are the UDelHack in May at University of Delaware and the OLCFHack in October at the Knoxville Marriott in Knoxville, Tennessee.
    Read more about the 2016 GPU Hackathons >>

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