Employing CUDA Graphs in a Dynamic Environment – NVIDIA Technical Blog News and tutorials for developers, data scientists, and IT admins 2025-03-21T20:30:26Z http://www.open-lab.net/blog/feed/ Rob Van der Wijngaart <![CDATA[Employing CUDA Graphs in a Dynamic Environment]]> http://www.open-lab.net/blog/?p=37199 2022-08-21T23:52:38Z 2021-11-03T21:17:00Z Many workloads can be sped up greatly by offloading compute-intensive parts onto GPUs. In CUDA terms, this is known as launching kernels. When those kernels are...]]> Many workloads can be sped up greatly by offloading compute-intensive parts onto GPUs. In CUDA terms, this is known as launching kernels. When those kernels are...

Many workloads can be sped up greatly by offloading compute-intensive parts onto GPUs. In CUDA terms, this is known as launching kernels. When those kernels are many and of short duration, launch overhead sometimes becomes a problem. One way of reducing that overhead is offered by CUDA Graphs. Graphs work because they combine arbitrary numbers of asynchronous CUDA API calls��

