Finite Difference Methods in CUDA C/C++, Part 1 – NVIDIA Technical Blog News and tutorials for developers, data scientists, and IT admins 2025-03-26T00:06:00Z Mark Harris <![CDATA[Finite Difference Methods in CUDA C/C++, Part 1]]> 2022-08-21T23:36:53Z 2013-03-04T16:54:19Z In the previous CUDA C/C++ post we investigated how we can use shared memory to optimize a matrix transpose, achieving roughly an order of magnitude improvement...]]> In the previous CUDA C/C++ post we investigated how we can use shared memory to optimize a matrix transpose, achieving roughly an order of magnitude improvement...

In the previous CUDA C/C++ post we investigated how we can use shared memory to optimize a matrix transpose, achieving roughly an order of magnitude improvement in effective bandwidth by using shared memory to coalesce global memory access. The topic of today��s post is to show how to use shared memory to enhance data reuse in a finite difference code. In addition to shared memory��

