Fortune: “NVIDIA must be stoked: This startup is taking graphics chips corporate” – NVIDIA Technical Blog News and tutorials for developers, data scientists, and IT admins 2025-03-26T00:06:00Z Brad Nemire <![CDATA[Fortune: ��NVIDIA must be stoked: This startup is taking graphics chips corporate��]]> 2022-08-21T23:41:20Z 2015-09-01T22:46:46Z MapD, an NVIDIA-funded startup, has created a new type of database to handle terabytes of data and impressive visualizations that relies on GPUs instead of the...]]> MapD, an NVIDIA-funded startup, has created a new type of database to handle terabytes of data and impressive visualizations that relies on GPUs instead of the...

MapD, an NVIDIA-funded startup, has created a new type of database to handle terabytes of data and impressive visualizations that relies on GPUs instead of the traditional AMD or Intel chips. Todd Mostak, Founder and CEO of MapD, decided to build a SQL database that relies on graphics processors when he was completing his thesis that analyzed a huge number of tweets. MapD was the winner of GPU��

