Lip Reading AI More Accurate Than Humans – NVIDIA Technical Blog News and tutorials for developers, data scientists, and IT admins 2025-03-27T16:00:00Z Brad Nemire <![CDATA[Lip Reading AI More Accurate Than Humans]]> 2022-08-21T23:42:53Z 2016-11-18T17:09:37Z Researchers from Google��s DeepMind and the University of Oxford developed a deep learning system that outperformed a professional lip reader. Using a TITAN X...]]> Researchers from Google��s DeepMind and the University of Oxford developed a deep learning system that outperformed a professional lip reader. Using a TITAN X...

Researchers from Google��s DeepMind and the University of Oxford developed a deep learning system that outperformed a professional lip reader. Using a TITAN X GPU, CUDA and the TensorFlow deep learning framework, the team trained their models on over 100,000 sentences from nearly 5,000 hours of BBC programs. By looking at each speaker��s lips, the system accurately deciphered entire phrases��

