Maximizing Unified Memory Performance in CUDA – NVIDIA Technical Blog News and tutorials for developers, data scientists, and IT admins 2025-03-21T20:30:26Z Nikolay Sakharnykh <![CDATA[Maximizing Unified Memory Performance in CUDA]]> 2022-08-21T23:38:33Z 2017-11-20T03:37:53Z Many of today's applications process large volumes of data. While GPU architectures have very fast HBM or GDDR memory, they have limited capacity. Making the...]]> Many of today's applications process large volumes of data. While GPU architectures have very fast HBM or GDDR memory, they have limited capacity. Making the...Unified Memory

Many of today��s applications process large volumes of data. While GPU architectures have very fast HBM or GDDR memory, they have limited capacity. Making the most of GPU performance requires the data to be as close to the GPU as possible. This is especially important for applications that iterate over the same data multiple times or have a high flops/byte ratio. Many real-world codes have to��

