NVIDIA Highlights Unity Tutorial – NVIDIA Technical Blog News and tutorials for developers, data scientists, and IT admins 2025-03-31T20:50:22Z http://www.open-lab.net/blog/feed/ Shaveen Kumar <![CDATA[NVIDIA Highlights Unity Tutorial]]> http://www.open-lab.net/blog/?p=9726 2022-08-21T23:38:46Z 2018-03-19T17:01:45Z   NVIDIA Highlights enables players to capture in-game moments automatically based on events occurring during gameplay. Highlights represents a key feature...]]>   NVIDIA Highlights enables players to capture in-game moments automatically based on events occurring during gameplay. Highlights represents a key feature...

NVIDIA Highlights enables players to capture in-game moments automatically based on events occurring during gameplay. Highlights represents a key feature in NVIDIA��s ShadowPlay automated screen capture software. (You can check out more information about ShadowPlay here). This blog introduces basic concepts a developer needs to implement the NVIDIA Highlights plugin for the Unity game engine.

