Every month, we’ll be delivering three interesting stories coming from the world of Vulkan Development.
1 – Tips and Tricks: Vulkan Dos and Don’ts
The increased performance potential of modern graphics APIs is coupled with a dramatically increased level of developer responsibility. Optimal use of Vulkan is not a trivial concept, especially in the context of a large engine, and information about how to maximize performance is still somewhat sparse. This blog is a useful stepping stone for developers looking to utilize Vulkan to its full potential.
2 – Video Series: Path Tracing for Quake II RTX with Vulkan in Two Months
Quake II RTX started as a research project called Q2VKPT by Christoph Schied. He started experimenting with an NVIDIA RTX GPU and Quake II’s open-source code in Vulkan to better understand the state of the art for path tracing in real time. Even after revamping the lighting systems to add more realistic lighting, the game still ran at 60fps at 2560×1440 on a GeForce RTX 2080 Ti.
How was this technical feat accomplished? Christoph explains his process in detail in a talk delivered at the 2019 GDC. We’ve broken his GDC talk into three short videos. https://devblogs.nvidia.com/path-tracing-quake-ii/
3 – From Rasterization to Full Real-Time Path Tracing: Vulkan Development and the Evolution of Graphical Rendering Techniques
To overcome the hurdles inherent in rasterization, NVIDIA has been leading the charge into ray-tracing, a movement that has required the introduction of new hardware. In the video below, NVIDIA’s Nuno Subtil explains the role that Vulkan and NVIDIA’s Turing architecture plays in delivering real-time ray traced games to consumers. He details the evolution of graphical rendering, ending with an explanation of full real-time path tracing: the “holy grail” of rendering solutions.
News Extra! Hello Games Now Working on Supporting Vulkan for No Man’s Sky
“Final Vulkan support will bring many PC players an immediate performance improvement, but it also helps us increase our options as we continue to make significant engine changes. It is only one portion of a large body of work that will see technical improvements for all players on all platforms.” – Hello Games