Mark Harris

Mark is an NVIDIA Distinguished Engineer working on RAPIDS. Mark has over twenty years of experience developing software for GPUs, ranging from graphics and games, to physically-based simulation, to parallel algorithms and high-performance computing. While a Ph.D. student at The University of North Carolina he recognized a nascent trend and coined a name for it: GPGPU (General-Purpose computing on Graphics Processing Units).

Posts by Mark Harris

Data Science

Implementing High-Precision Decimal Arithmetic with CUDA int128

“Truth is much too complicated to allow anything but approximations.” -- John von Neumann The history of computing has demonstrated that there is no limit... 19 MIN READ
Image depicting NVIDIA CEO Jen-Hsun Huang explaining the importance of the RAPIDS launch demo at GTC Europe 2018.
Simulation / Modeling / Design

Fast, Flexible Allocation for NVIDIA CUDA with RAPIDS Memory Manager

When I joined the RAPIDS team in 2018, NVIDIA CUDA device memory allocation was a performance problem. RAPIDS cuDF allocates and deallocates memory at high... 24 MIN READ
Data Science

CUDA Pro Tip: The Fast Way to Query Device Properties

CUDA applications often need to know the maximum available shared memory per block or to query the number of multiprocessors in the active GPU. One way to do... 3 MIN READ
Simulation / Modeling / Design

RAPIDS Accelerates Data Science End-to-End

Today's data science problems demand a dramatic increase in the scale of data?as well as?the computational power required to process it. Unfortunately, the... 10 MIN READ
Simulation / Modeling / Design

Cooperative Groups: Flexible CUDA Thread Programming

In efficient parallel algorithms, threads cooperate and share data to perform collective computations. To share data, the threads must synchronize. The... 16 MIN READ
Simulation / Modeling / Design

Unified Memory for CUDA Beginners

My previous introductory post, "An Even Easier Introduction to CUDA C++", introduced the basics of CUDA programming by showing how to write a simple program... 16 MIN READ