New PGI compiler release includes support for C++ and Fortran applications to run in parallel on multi-core CPUs or GPU accelerators. OpenACC gives?scientists and researchers a simple and powerful way to accelerate scientific computing applications incrementally.
With the PGI Compiler 15.10 release, OpenACC enables performance portability between accelerators and multicore CPUs. The new PGI Fortran, C and C++ compilers for the first time allow OpenACC-enabled source code to be compiled for parallel execution on either a multicore CPU or a GPU accelerator. This capability provides tremendous flexibility for programmers, enabling applications to take advantage of multiple system architectures with a single version of the source code.
“Our goal is to enable HPC developers to easily port applications across all major CPU and accelerator platforms with uniformly high performance using a common source code base,” said Douglas Miles, director of PGI Compilers & Tools at NVIDIA.
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Performance Portability for GPUs and CPUs with OpenACC
Oct 29, 2015
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Related resources
- DLI course: Fundamentals of Accelerated Computing with OpenACC
- DLI course: Fundamentals of Accelerated Computing with OpenACC
- GTC session: Accelerate Science With NVIDIA HPC Compilers
- GTC session: The Performance of CUDA with the Flexibility of PyTorch
- NGC Containers: OpenACC Training Materials
- NGC Containers: NVIDIA HPC SDK