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  • Simulation / Modeling / Design

    Share Your Science: Understanding Agricultural Genomics with GPUs

    Understanding the critical genetic traits of agricultural crops will help develop crops faster in order to handle the world’s population growth and climate change.
    In a collaboration between Biochemist Alex Feltus and Computer Engineering PhD student Karan Sapra, the Clemson University researchers have created an interactive visualization tool using NVIDIA GPUs that allows them to look at complex genetic graphs to detect the core genes responsible for biological processes.
    “We can speed-up the research in a way that I never thought was possible with this kind of complexity,” said Dr. Feltus of the Genetics and Biochemsitry department at Clemson University.

    Watch Dr. Feltus’ talk “G3NA-V: A GPU-Enabled Human Interaction and Visualization Tool for Mining and Aligning Complex Gene Interaction Graphs” presented at the NVIDIA GPU Technology Theater at SC15: Watch Now
    Share your GPU-accelerated science with us: http://nvda.ly/Vpjxr
    Watch more scientists and researchers share how GPUs are accelerating their work at http://nvda.ly/UOan1

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