This post covers best practices for using SetStablePowerState on NVIDIA GPUs. To get a high and consistent frame rate in your applications, see all Advanced API Performance tips. Most modern processors, including GPUs, change processor core and memory clock rates during application execution. These changes can vary performance, introducing errors in measurements and rendering comparisons��
]]>NVIDIA Nsight Compute is an interactive kernel profiler for CUDA applications. It provides detailed performance metrics and API debugging through a user interface and a command-line tool. Nsight Compute 2022.1 brings updates to improve data collection modes enabling new use cases and options for performance profiling. Download Now>> This release of Nsight Compute extends the��
]]>Vulkan is a low-overhead, cross-platform 3D graphics and compute API targeting a wide variety of devices from cloud gaming servers, to PCs and embedded platforms. The Khronos Group manages and defines the Vulkan API. NVIDIA NsightSystems provides developers with a unified timeline view which displays how applications use computer resources. This low-overhead performance analysis tool helps��
]]>As GPU performance steadily ramps up, your application may be overdue for a tune-up to keep pace. Developers have used independent CPU profilers and GPU profilers in search of bottlenecks and optimization opportunities across their disjointed datasets for years. Using these independent tools can result in picking small optimizations based on false positive indicators or missing large opportunities��
]]>Today I��m excited to announce the general availability of CUDA 8, the latest update to NVIDIA��s powerful parallel computing platform and programming model. In this post I��ll give a quick overview of the major new features of CUDA 8. To learn more you can watch the recording of my talk from GTC 2016, ��CUDA 8 and Beyond��. A crucial goal for CUDA 8 is to provide support for the powerful new��
]]>The NVIDIA Tools Extension (NVTX) library lets developers annotate custom events and ranges within the profiling timelines generated using tools such as the NVIDIA Visual Profiler (NVVP) and NSight. In my own optimization work, I rely heavily on NVTX to better understand internal as well as customer codes and to spot opportunities for better interaction between the CPU and the GPU.
]]>[Note: Thejaswi Rao also contributed to the code optimizations shown in this post.] Today NVIDIA released CUDA 7.5, the latest release of the powerful CUDA Toolkit. One of the most exciting new features in CUDA 7.5 is new Instruction-Level Profiling support in the NVIDIA Visual Profiler. This powerful new feature, available on Maxwell (GM200) and later GPUs��
]]>Today I��m happy to announce that the CUDA Toolkit 7.5 Release Candidate is now available. The CUDA Toolkit 7.5 adds support for FP16 storage for up to 2x larger data sets and reduced memory bandwidth, cuSPARSE GEMVI routines, instruction-level profiling and more. Read on for full details. CUDA 7.5 expands support for 16-bit floating point (FP16) data storage and arithmetic��
]]>Often when profiling GPU-accelerated applications that run on clusters, one needs to visualize MPI (Message Passing Interface) calls on the GPU timeline in the profiler. While tools like Vampir and Tau will allow programmers to see a big picture view of how a parallel application performs, sometimes all you need is a look at how MPI is affecting GPU performance on a single node using a simple tool��
]]>Every year NVIDIA��s GPU Technology Conference (GTC) gets bigger and better. One of the aims of GTC is to give developers, scientists, and practitioners opportunities to learn with hands-on labs how to use accelerated computing in their work. This year we are nearly doubling the amount of hands-on training provided from last year, with almost 2,400 lab hours available to GTC attendees!
]]>Heterogeneous computing is about efficiently using all processors in the system, including CPUs and GPUs. To do this, applications must execute functions concurrently on multiple processors. CUDA Applications manage concurrency by executing asynchronous commands in streams, sequences of commands that execute in order. Different streams may execute their commands concurrently or out of order with��
]]>NVIDIA Nsight Eclipse Edition (NSEE) is a full-featured unified CPU+GPU integrated development environment(IDE) that lets you easily develop CUDA applications for either your local (x86_64) system or a remote (x86_64 or ARM) target system. In my last post on remote development of CUDA applications, I covered NSEE��s cross compilation mode. In this post I will focus on the using NSEE��s synchronized��
]]>R is a free software environment for statistical computing and graphics that provides a programming language and built-in libraries of mathematics operations for statistics, data analysis, machine learning and much more. Many domain experts and researchers use the R platform and contribute R software, resulting in a large ecosystem of free software packages available through CRAN (the��
]]>When I profile MPI+CUDA applications, sometimes performance issues only occur for certain MPI ranks. To fix these, it��s necessary to identify the MPI rank where the performance issue occurs. Before CUDA 6.5 it was hard to do this because the CUDA profiler only shows the PID of the processes and leaves the developer to figure out the mapping from PIDs to MPI ranks. Although the mapping can be done��
]]>Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) is a valuable tool to study the behavior of fluids. Today, many areas of engineering use CFD. For example, the automotive industry uses CFD to study airflow around cars, and to optimize the car body shapes to reduce drag and improve fuel efficiency. To get accurate results in fluid simulation it is necessary to capture complex phenomena such as turbulence��
]]>NVIDIA Nsight Eclipse Edition is a full-featured, integrated development environment that lets you easily develop CUDA applications for either your local (x86) system or a remote (x86 or Arm) target. In this post, I will walk you through the process of remote-developing CUDA applications for the NVIDIA Jetson TK1, an Arm-based development kit. Nsight supports two remote development modes: cross��
]]>Post updated on December 10, 2024. NVIDIA has deprecated nvprof and NVIDIA Visual Profiler and these tools are not supported on current GPU architectures. The original post still applies to previous GPU architectures, up to and including Volta. For Volta and newer architectures, profile your applications with NVIDIA Nsight Compute and NVIDIA Nsight Systems. For more information about how to��
]]>In the world of high-performance computing, it is important to understand how your code affects the operating characteristics of your HW. For example, if your program executes inefficient code, it may cause the GPU to work harder than it needs to, leading to higher power consumption, and a potential slow-down due to throttling. A new profiling feature in CUDA 5.5 allows you to profile the��
]]>The last time you used the timeline feature in the NVIDIA Visual Profiler, Nsight VSE or the new Nsight Systems to analyze a complex application, you might have wished to see a bit more than just CUDA API calls and GPU kernels. In this post I will show you how you can use the NVIDIA Tools Extension (NVTX) to annotate the time line with useful information. I will demonstrate how to add time��
]]>While high-level languages for GPU programming like CUDA C offer a useful level of abstraction, convenience, and maintainability, they inherently hide some of the details of the execution on the hardware. It is sometimes helpful to dig into the underlying assembly code that the hardware is executing to explore performance problems, or to make sure the compiler is generating the code you expect.
]]>NVIDIA��s profiling and tracing tools, including the NVIDIA Visual Profiler, NSight Eclipse and Visual Studio editions, cuda-memcheck, and the nvprof command line profiler are powerful tools that can give you deep insight into the performance and correctness of your GPU-accelerated applications. These tools gather data while your application is running, and use it to create profiles��
]]>In the previous three posts of this CUDA C & C++ series we laid the groundwork for the major thrust of the series: how to optimize CUDA C/C++ code. In this and the following post we begin our discussion of code optimization with how to efficiently transfer data between the host and device. The peak bandwidth between the device memory and the GPU is much higher (144 GB/s on the NVIDIA Tesla C2050��
]]>In the previous three posts of this CUDA Fortran series we laid the groundwork for the major thrust of the series: how to optimize CUDA Fortran code. In this and the following post we begin our discussion of code optimization with how to efficiently transfer data between the host and device. The peak bandwidth between the device memory and the GPU is much higher (144 GB/s on the NVIDIA Tesla C2050��
]]>In the first post of this series we looked at the basic elements of CUDA C/C++ by examining a CUDA C/C++ implementation of SAXPY. In this second post we discuss how to analyze the performance of this and other CUDA C/C++ codes. We will rely on these performance measurement techniques in future posts where performance optimization will be increasingly important. CUDA performance measurement is��
]]>In the first post of this series we looked at the basic elements of CUDA Fortran by examining a CUDA Fortran implementation of SAXPY. In this second post we discuss how to analyze the performance of this and other CUDA Fortran codes. We will rely on these performance measurement techniques in future posts where performance optimization will be increasingly important.