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  • Data Science

    Top 5 AI Stories of the Week: 2/18

    In this week’s edition of the NVIDIA Developer Top 5 video, we revisit the top AI developer stories of the week.

    From an AI drone challenge to a system that can predict pedestrians next steps.

    Watch all five stories here and see all the links below:

    5 – Deep Learning Identifies Depression in Speech Patterns

    A research team at Massachusetts Institute of Technology is using deep learning to uncover what might be called “talk diagnosis” — detecting signs of depression by analyzing a patient’s speech.

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    4 – NVIDIA Jetson AGX Xavier Powers Lockheed Martin and Drone Racing League AI Challenge

    ockheed Martin and Drone Racing League recently announced a $2 million innovation competition, challenging teams to develop an autonomous drone that can race against a pilot operated one. 

    Competing teams will have access to the latest NVIDIA Jetson AGX Xavier modules – designed to make AI-autonomous machines possible – to build their autonomous drones. 

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    3 – AI Helps Save Bees

    n 2016 through 2017 U.S. beekeepers lost 33 percent of bees. Many factors contribute to the death of bees, but the number one culprit is the Varroa mite. Manually detecting the mites is tedious and prone to human error. Researchers from EPFL, a research institution and university in Lausanne, Switzerland, developed a deep learning-based app that can automatically count the number of varroa mites in beehives.

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    2 – Using AI To Stop Child Trafficking

    According to UNICEF, 1.2 million children are trafficked every year. To help identify and rescue victims of trafficking, researchers from George Washington University, Adobe, and Temple University released a new dataset called Hotels-50K and developed an AI-based algorithm that can be used to identify possible locations of where children are being held.

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    1 – AI Algorithm for Autonomous Machines Can Predict Human Movement

    University of Michigan researchers recently published a paper describing a new deep learning based-algorithm that can predict the future location of a pedestrian, along with their pose and gait.

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