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  • Download The CUDA Production Release
    Download The CUDA Pre-Production Release

    Release Highlights

    • Debugger support using gdb for CUDA
    • Support for using a GPU that is not driving a display on Vista
      (This was already supported on Windows XP, OSX and Linux)
    • DX10 interop support, accelerates communication with DX10 applications
    • VisualStudio 2008 support for Windows XP and Windows Vista
    • Just-in-time (JIT) compilation, for applications that dynamically generate CUDA kernels
    • C++ templates are now supported in CUDA kernels
    • Support for recent releases of Linux including Fedora9, OpenSUSE 11 and Ubuntu 8.04

    New CUDA SDK code samples:

    • smokeParticles (volumetric particle shadows)
    • DX10 interop samples: simpleD3D10 and simpleD3D10Texture



    Windows XP/Vista


    Developer Drivers for WinXP (181.20) 32-bit? 64-bit? ? ?
    Developer Drivers for WinVista (181.20) 32-bit? 64-bit? ? ?
    Notebook Developer Drivers for WinXP (181.22 BETA) 32-bit? 64-bit? ? ?
    Notebook Developer Drivers for WinVista (181.22 BETA) 32-bit? 64-bit? ? ?
    CUDA Toolkit 32-bit? 64-bit? ? In the Installer
    CUDA SDK code samples and more 32-bit? 64-bit? ? Release Notes?
    CUDA Visual Profiler 1.1 download? ? Release Notes?
    User Manual?



    Developer Drivers for Linux (180.22) 32-bit? 64-bit? ? ?
    CUDA Toolkit for Fedora 9 32-bit? 64-bit? ? ?
    CUDA Toolkit for Fedora 8 32-bit? 64-bit? ? ?
    CUDA Toolkit for RedHat Enterprise Linux 5.2 32-bit? 64-bit? ? ?
    CUDA Toolkit for RedHat Enterprise Linux 4.7 32-bit? 64-bit? ? ?
    CUDA Toolkit for OpenSUSE 11 32-bit? 64-bit? ? ?
    CUDA Toolkit for OpenSUSE 10.3 32-bit? 64-bit? ? ?
    CUDA Toolkit for SUSE Linux Enterprise Desktop 10 32-bit? 64-bit? ? ?
    CUDA Toolkit for Ubuntu 8.04 32-bit? 64-bit? ? ?
    CUDA Toolkit for Ubuntu 7.10 32-bit? 64-bit? ? ?
    CUDA Toolkit Documentation ? In installer
    CUDA SDK code samples and more 32-bit? 64-bit? ? Release Notes?
    CUDA Visual Profiler 1.1 download? ? Release Notes?
    User Manual?
    CUDA Debugger (tested on RHEL 5.2) download? ? User Manual?



    CUDA Toolkit (includes CUDA driver for MacOS 10.5.2 and later) download? ? ?
    CUDA SDK code samples and more download? ? ?

