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    Download The CUDA Production Release
    Download The CUDA Pre-Production Release

    The CUDA 5 Installers include the CUDA Toolkit, SDK code samples, and developer drivers.

    Please note driver support for WindowsXP and Windows 32bit for Tesla Workstation products is limited to C2075 and older products only.


    WINDOWS: CUDA 5.0 Production Release (Installer updated 01.10.13)
    ? Release Notes
    ? Win 8 / Win 7 / Win Vista ?WinXP ?
    ? Desktop Notebook Desktop ?
    ? ?
    ? ?
    LINUX: CUDA 5.0 Production Release
    ? Release Notes
    ? Fedora RHEL Ubuntu OpenSUSE SUSE SUSE
    16 5.x 6.x 11.10 10.04 12.1 Server 11 SP1 Server 11 SP2
    ? ? ?
    MAC OS X: CUDA 5.0 Production Release (updated? March 2013)
    ? Release Notes


    Get Updated GPU Drivers ! Always check www.nvidia.com/drivers , the drivers in the packages would have been superceeded since CUDA Installer release.


    Q: What is included in the CUDA installer?
    A: The CUDA 5 Installers include the CUDA Toolkit, SDK code samples, and developer drivers.

    Q: Will the all-in-one installer replace the driver currently installed on my system?
    A: The installer will give you the option to install the included driver.

    Q: Who to contact if I have problems downloading?
    A: Members of the CUDA Registered Developer Program can report issues and file bugs. Login or?Join Today

    Learn more about whats included in the?CUDA Toolkit and GPU Computing SDK?.

    Find out about new technologies such as?GPUDirect, which are eliminating bottlenecks and making parallel computing easier than ever before.?

    Return back to the? CUDA Toolkit Archive
