DRIVE AGX Xavier and DRIVE AGX Pegasus XT Sensors and Accessories

These sensors and accessories can be used with NVIDIA DRIVE AGX Xavier? and DRIVE AGX Pegasus? XT. Most sensors are provided by a third-party vendor who must be contacted for the hardware, software, and associated support.

For a complete list of development and production sensors for NVIDIA DRIVE? Hyperion 8.1 and NVIDIA DRIVE AGX Orin?, please see NVIDIA DRIVE Hyperion? 8.1 Sensors and Accessories.

drive xavier
DRIVE Hyperion sensor set includes 12 wide-angle fisheye cameras.


A mix of devices for short and long-distance visual input

DRIVE Hyperion sensor set has high resolution lidars.


Front center automotive-grade lidar for an additional layer of redundant vision, as well as a rooftop high-resolution lidar for ground-truth (GT) data collection.

DRIVE Hyperion sensors have nine radars.


Multiple radars for overlapping front, side, and corner visibility and redundancy, with increased angular and vertical resolution for complex urban driving.

DRIVE Hyperion sensors come with vehicle odometry sensing.


Vehicle odometry sensing for precise localization and ground-truth determination in IMU internal navigation and Global Navigation Satellite Systems (GNSS).

DRIVE Hyperion sensors come with vehicle odometry sensing.

Hardware Accessories

Cables, harnesses, adapters, and more to integrate DRIVE AGX into the vehicle


Please contact the vendor (your NVIDIA representative or third-party) specified in the table below to purchase these camera modules. The software is integrated into NVIDIA DRIVE SDK and works out-of-the-box. The support section details the latest DRIVE SDK release for Xavier that includes camera support.

The software for NVIDIA-supported cameras includes optimally tuned ISP settings. Any customizations to this support will require further discussions and development agreements. Contact your NVIDIA representative for more details.

DRIVE SDK Compatibility
SW | HW Contact
Sekonix SF3324 ON Semi - AR0231 2.3 RCCB 120 Sekonix - NA1262 5.2.6 (Transfer1) NVIDIA | NVIDIA
Sekonix SF3325 ON Semi - AR0231 2.3 RCCB 60 Sekonix - NA6062 5.2.6 (Transfer1) NVIDIA | NVIDIA
ON Semiconductor ON Semi - AR0144 1 GS-IR 55 LCE - LC001k-0100 5.2.6 (Transfer1) NVIDIA | NVIDIA
AR0144ATSM-GEVK(GazeT-144) ON Semi - AR0144 1 GS-IR 55 LCE - LC001k-0100 5.2.6 (Transfer1) NVIDIA | NVIDIA
Entron F008A120RM0AES2 ON Semi - AR0820 8.3 RGGB 120 LCE - LC862 5.2.6 NVIDIA2 | Entron
Entron F008A030RM0AES ON Semi - AR0820 8.3 RGGB 30 LCE - LC070 5.2.6 (Transfer1) NVIDIA2 | Entron
Entron F008A070RM0AES ON Semi - AR0820 8.3 RGGB 70 LCE - LC126 5.2.6 (Transfer1) NVIDIA2 | Entron
Sony IMX390EVB-MLH-SMM5 Sony – IMX 390 2.45 RGGB 194 Sunny - AT205 5.2.6 (Transfer1) NVIDIA | Sony
Sony IMX390EVB-MLH-SMM7 Sony – IMX 390 2.45 RGGB 194 Sunny - AT214 5.2.6 (Transfer1) NVIDIA2 | Sony
1NVIDIA’s support for cameras above will end of life (EOL) at DRIVE OS 5.2.6 and DriveWorks 4.0. Contact the sensor supplier for support availability beyond DRIVE OS 5.2.6.

2Camera driver/tuning not planned for production

Please contact the third-party vendor directly for availability, software, and support. The Software Compatibility information indicates the version of NVIDIA DRIVE SDK that is compatible with the specific sensor. Note: DRIVE SDK releases do not include the software or tuning for these cameras.

DRIVE SDK Compatibility
SW | HW Contact
Sony Sony - IMX 424 7.46 RGGB 120 Calin – CAR37 5.2.6 (EOL) Sony | Sony
Sony IMX424PEVB-MLH-SMM1 Sony - IMX 424 7.46 RGGB 30 Sunex - DSL162 5.2.6 (EOL) Sony | Sony
Sony IMX490EVB-MOH-SMM1 Sony - IMX 490 5.44 RGGB 30 Sunex - DSL162 5.2.6 Sony | Sony
Sony IMX490EVB-MOH-SMM3 Sony - IMX 490 5.44 RGGB 60 Calin - CAR50 5.2.6 Sony | Sony
Sony IMX490EVB-MOH-SMM2 Sony - IMX 490 5.44 RGGB 120 Calin – CAR53 5.2.6 Sony | Sony
Sony IMX390EVB-MLH-SMM1 Sony – IMX 390 2.45 RGGB 55 Calin - CAR29 5.2.6 Sony | Sony
Sony IMX390EVB-MLH-SMM2 Sony – IMX 390 2.45 RGGB 110 Naotech - RD335SF15 5.2.6 Sony | Sony
Sony IMX390EVB-MLH-SMM3 Sony – IMX 390 2.45 RGGB 120 Sirtec - SR2005C 5.2.6 Sony | Sony
Sony IMX390EVB-MLH-SMM4 Sony – IMX 390 2.45 RGGB 194 Sunny - AT202 5.2.6 Sony | Sony
Sony IMX390EVB-MLH-SMM4 Sony – IMX 390 2.45 RGGB 194 Sunny - AT202 5.2.6 Sony | Sony
Sony IMX390EVB-MLH-SMM5 Sony – IMX 390 2.45 RGGB 194 Sunny - AT205 5.2.6 (EOL) Sony | Sony
Sony IMX390EVB-MLH-SMM7 Sony – IMX 390 2.45 RGGB 194 Sunny - AT214 5.2.6 Sony | Sony
OmniVision OX03C10-EXAL-BA0C OmniVision – OX03C10 2.5 RGGB 94 Zeal – ZA-CA38215A1-170(6) 5.2.6 OmniVision | OmniVision
OmniVision OX03F10-EXAL-BA0C OmniVision – OX03F10 3 RGGB 196 STRTEC – PD063 5.2.6 OmniVision | OmniVision
OmniVision OX08A40-EXAL-AA1C OmniVision – OX08A40 8.3 RGGB 140 Sunex - DSL166A 5.2.6 OmniVision | OmniVision
Entron F003A208RM0A Onsemi - AR0233 2.6 RGGB 208 LCE - LC063 5.2.6 Onsemi | Entron
Entron F008A030RM0AES Onsemi - AR0820 8.3 RGGB 30 LCE - LC070 5.2.6 Onsemi | Entron
Entron F008A070RM0AES Onsemi - AR0820 8.3 RGGB 70 LCE - LC126 5.2.6 Onsemi | Entron

DRIVE Software 10 includes support for:

  • DRIVE AV: Sekonix SF3324 and Sekonix SF3325 with ON Semi - AR0231
  • DRIVE IX: ON Semiconductor AR0144ATSM-GEVK (GazeT-144)


Please contact the third-party vendor below to purchase these sensors. The software is integrated into the NVIDIA DRIVE SDK and works out-of-the-box. The SDK Compatibility information indicates the latest DRIVE SDK release for Xavier that includes sensor support.

Time Sync
DRIVE SDK Compatibility
SW | HW Contact
Velodyne: Puck (VLP16) 100m 360 30 300k GPRM/GPGGA 5.2.6 4.0 NVIDIA | Velodyne
Velodyne: HDL32E 100m 360 41.33 695k GPRM/GPGGA 5.2.6 4.0 NVIDIA | Velodyne
Velodyne: HDL64E 120m 360 26.9 1.3M GPRMC 5.2.6 4.0 NVIDIA | Velodyne
Velodyne: Puck Hi-Res (VLP-16-Hi-Res-M12) 100m 360 20 300k GPRMC/GPGGA 5.2.6 4.0 NVIDIA | Velodyne
Velodyne: Alpha Prime (VLS128) 220m 360 40 2.4M GPRMC/GPGGA 5.2.6 4.0 NVIDIA | Velodyne
Velodyne: Ultra Puck (VLP-32C) 200m 360 40 580k GPRMC/GPGGA 5.2.6 4.0 NVIDIA | Velodyne
Luminar Hydra Lidar Sensor 200m 120 30 550K PPS/NMEA gPTP 5.2.6 4.0 NVIDIA | Luminar
Hesai P128 200m 360 40 9.2M gPTP GPRMC/GPGGA 5.2.6 4.0 NVIDIA | Luminar

Please contact the third-party vendor directly for availability, software, and support of these lidar modules. The SDK Compatibility information indicates the version of NVIDIA DRIVE SDK that is compatible with the specific sensor.

Time Sync
DRIVE SDK Compatibility
SW | HW Contact
Ouster: OS1-64 50m 360 22.5 - 45 1.2M PPS/NMEA, gPTP 5.2.6 4.0 Ouster | Ouster
Ouster OS2-128 80m 360 22.5 2.6M PPS/NMEA, gPTP 5.2.6 4.0 Ouster | Ouster
Innoviz ONE 150m 115 15 2.6M PPS/ GPRMC 5.2.6 4.0 Innoviz | Innoviz
AEVA Aeries-I 185 120 20 2.0M PTP 5.2.6 4.0 Aeva | Aeva

Note: Ranges in meters for 10% Reflective Lambertian Target, at 100kLux Ambient Background Intensity


Please contact the third-party vendor below to purchase these sensors. The software is integrated into the NVIDIA DRIVE SDK and work out-of-the-box. The SDK Compatibility information indicates the latest DRIVE SDK release for Xavier that includes sensor support.

Vendor /
Elevation FOV
Output Interface
Time Sync
DRIVE SDK Compatibility
SW | HW Contact
Continental: Long Range Radar ARS430 (Firmware 2.0.1) 250m ±75° Elevation measurement capable Y 0.1 Gbps gPTP 5.2.6 NVIDIA | Continental
Continental: Long Range Radar ARS430 (Firmware 3.0.0) 250m ±75° Elevation measurement capable Y 0.1 Gbps gPTP 5.2.6 NVIDIA | Continental

Please contact the third-party vendor for availability, software and support of these radar modules. The SDK Compatibility information indicates the version of NVIDIA DRIVE SDK that is compatible with the specific sensor.

Elevation FOV
Output Interface
Time Sync
DRIVE SDK Compatibility
SW | HW Contact
Arbe A1 FFRD (Firmware 1.3.0) 300m ±40° ±15° Y 1 Gbps gPTP 5.2.6 Arbe | Arbe

DRIVE Software 10 includes support for:

  • DRIVE AV: Continental Long Range Radar ARS430 (Firmware 2.0.1)

IMU / GNSS Devices

Please contact the third-party vendor below to purchase these sensors. The software for these sensors are integrated into the NVIDIA DRIVE SDK and work out-of-the-box. The SDK Compatibility information indicates the latest DRIVE SDK release for Xavier that includes sensor support.

Vendor / Model
GNSS Bands
Host I/F
Data Format
DRIVE SDK Compatibility
SW | HW Contact
Bosch: IMU-MM7.10 IMU N/A CAN CAN (Proprietary) - 4.0 NVIDIA | Bosch
Continental: SC13S IMU N/A CAN CAN (Proprietary) - 4.0 NVIDIA | Continental
Xsens: Inertial Measurement Unit MTi-G-710 IMU + GNSS GPS/QZSS L1, GLONASS L1, BeiDou B1, SBAS L1 USB, RS-232 NMEA (ASCII), Xbus (proprietary binary) - 4.0 NVIDIA | Xsens
NovAtel: PwrPak7-E1 SPAN INS (IMU + GNSS) with DGPS GPS L1/L2/L5, GLONASS L1/L2/L3/L5, Galileo E1/E5/E6, Beidou B1/B2/B3, QZSS L1/L2/L5/L6, SBASL1/L5 Ethernet RTCM/NTRIP, NMEA, NovAtel (proprietary) - 4.0 NVIDIA | NovAtel
Ublox: ZED-F9K in C103-F9K GNSS GPS/QZSS L1/L2, GLONASS L1/L2, Galileo E1/E5, Beidou B1/B2 Ethernet RTCM/NTRIP, NMEA, UBX (proprietary) - 4.0 NVIDIA | Ublox

DRIVE Software 10 includes support for:

  • DRIVE AV: NovAtel: Differential GPS SPAN-IGM-A1 with IMU + GNSS and Xsens: Inertial Measurement Unit MTi-G-710 with IMU + GNSS

Hardware Accessories for DRIVE AGX Xavier and DRIVE AGX Pegasus XT

Please contact the vendor below to order accessories which may be separately purchased for your DRIVE AGX Xavier or Pegasus XT Developer Kit.

Included in DRIVE AGX Xavier /
Pegasus XT Developer Kit? (Y/N)
DRIVE AGX (E3550) Quad Camera Cable Y NVIDIA
DRIVE AGX(E3550) 48-pin Vehicle Cable Harness Y NVIDIA
DRIVE AGX (E3550) System Power Supply, Power Adapter, and US Power Cord Y NVIDIA
DRIVE AGX (E3579) Dual GbE Dongle and HSD Cable (converts from standard Ethernet to 1000 Base-T1) Y NVIDIA
DRIVE AGX (E3585) 10GbE Dongle, HSD Cable and Power Supply N NVIDIA
DRIVE AGX Power Adapter for Accessories Y NVIDIA


  • The third-party sensor information on this page represents vendor-supplied data, which is not verified by NVIDIA. Please contact the third-party vendor for more information.
  • The latest compatible release is subject to change.

Disclaimer: NVIDIA is not responsible for third-party devices, device/driver quality, or compatibility with a specific release. Please contact the third-party vendor for more details.

Resources for the DRIVE AGX DevKit


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