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  • NVIDIA? Jetson? Linux Driver Package is the board support package for Jetson. It includes Linux Kernel, UEFI bootloader, NVIDIA drivers, flashing utilities, sample filesystem based on Ubuntu, and more for the Jetson platform.

    NVIDIA Jetson Linux 35.1

    Jetson Linux 35.1 is a production release and replaces Jetson LInux 34.1.1/34.1 which were meant for development only. Jetson Linux 35.1 includes Linux Kernel 5.10, an Ubuntu 20.04 based root file system, a UEFI based bootloader, and OP-TEE as Trusted Execution Environment.

    This release supports Jetson AGX Orin 32GB production module and Jetson AGX Orin Developer Kit. It also supports Jetson AGX Xavier series and Jetson Xavier NX series modules, as well as Jetson AGX Xavier Developer Kit and Jetson Xavier NX Developer Kit.

    See the online Jetson Linux Developer Guide for detailed documentation.


    Jetson Linux 35.1 adds following highlights on top of Jetson Linux 34.1/34.1.1 (Please refer to release notes for additional details)

    • Adds Support for Jetson AGX Orin 32GB production module
    • Enables Jetson AGX Orin Developer Kit to emulate performance of Jetson AGX Orin 64GB, Jetson AGX Orin 32GB, Jetson Orin NX 16GB and Jetson Orin NX 8GB modules. Refer to the emulation section in release notes for detail.
    • Security
    • Over The Air Updates:
    • Bootloader:
      • UEFI support for USB and NVMe
      • UEFI support for 4K Display
    • Power:
      • Low Power SC7 state
      • Support for Power Estimator for Jetson AGX Orin and Jetson Xavier NX series
    • Graphics:
      • Support for Vulkan? 1.3 (including the Roadmap 2022 Profile).
    • Display:
    • Kernel:
      • Real Time Kernel Patches
    • Sensor Processing Engine (SPE):
      • Sources for SPE firmware
      • Support for I2C and Inter VM Communication (IVC)
    • Jetson Linux Sources are now available from a Git repository as well as from the Jetson Linux page. Refer to section "Downloading Jetson Linux Sources" in release notes for detail.

    1Signing (PKC) boot firmware upto UEFI supported for Jetson AGX Orin. Signing and Encrypting (PKC + SBK) boot firmware upto UEFI supported for Jetson AGX Xavier and Jetson Xavier NX

    Downloads and Links

    Jetson Orin modules and developer kit Jetson Xavier modules and developer kits
    Drivers Driver Package (BSP)
    Sample Root Filesystem
    Sources Driver Package (BSP) Sources
    Sample Root Filesystem Sources
    Sensor Processing Engine Sources

    Jetson AGX Orin Developer Kit User Guide

    Jetson AGX Xavier Developer Kit User Guide
    Jetson AGX Xavier Platform Adaptation Guide

    Release Notes

    Jetson Linux Developer Guide (online version)
    Jetson Linux Developer Guide (downloadable version)

    Software License Agreement
    Jetson Linux API Reference (formerly named Multimedia API Reference)
    nvbuf_utils to NvUtils Migration Guide
    Tools Bootlin Toolchain gcc 9.3
    Bootlin Toolchain Sources, 2020.08-1
    OTA Tools
    CUDA Tools
    NVIDIA Nsight Systems
    NVIDIA Nsight Graphics

    Additional Files

    File Supported hardware Supported Software Description
    orin-nano-overlay-351.tbz2 Jetson AGX Orin Developer Kit JetPack 5.0.2 / Jetson Linux 35.1 This download includes the flash configuration files necessary for the Jetson AGX Orin Developer Kit to emulate a Jetson Orin Nano series module. See here for flashing instructions.
    Jetson_Xavier_NX_QSPI_35.1.tbz2 Jetson Xavier NX Developer Kit JetPack 5.0.2 / Jetson Linux 35.1 Any Jetson Xavier NX Developer Kit that has not previously run a JetPack 5.x release must first have its QSPI-NOR flashed with this image. QSPI update instructions are found in the Jetson Linux Developer Guide.
    agx-orin-a04-overlay-351.tbz2 Jetson AGX Orin Developer Kit JetPack 5.0.2 / Jetson Linux 35.1 This download resolves an issue with USB Type-C on Jetson AGX Orin Developer Kit while running JetPack 5.0.2. The issue was due to a mismatch between bct/dtb. The fix will be included in next JetPack release
    CPU + Temp Patch Jetson AGX Orin 32GB Module JetPack 5.0.2 / Jetson Linux 35.1 Patch which fixes an issue where less than 8 CPU cores was being detected on some Jetson AGX Orin 32GB production module

    To access other Jetson Linux release pages, please visit the Jetson Linux Archive.
