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  • Getting Started

    Jetson developer kits are ideal for hands-on AI and robotics learning. We’ve got you covered from initial setup through advanced tutorials, and the Jetson developer community is ready to help.

    Professional Developers:
    Start here, but don’t miss the Jetson modules page with links to advanced collateral and resources to help you create Jetson based products

    Ready, Set, Develop!

    Get everything you need to work with Jetson in just a few easy steps:

    Get started on your AI learning today

    NVIDIA’s Deep Learning Institute (DLI) delivers practical, hands-on training and certification in AI at the edge for developers, educators, students, and lifelong learners. This is a great way to get the critical AI skills you need to thrive and advance in your career. You can even earn certificates to demonstrate your understanding of Jetson and AI when you complete these free, open-source courses. Enroll Now >


    These resources will help you understand the Jetson platform and your specific developer kit.

    Current developer kits:

    Previous developer kits:

    Jetson AGX Xavier Developer Kit
    Jetson Xavier NX Developer Kit
    Jetson TX2 Developer Kit

    Tutorials / Resources

    Check out the Tutorials page for a full range of educational videos on how to develop with Jetson, including:

    Quickly get an AI app, pipeline or framework set up:

    Try these hands-on starter projects:


    Ask and answer questions on the Jetson forums. NVIDIA engineers, community developers, and Jetson partners all pitch in here. Check out:

    • Jetson Nano forum for Jetson Nano developer kits and the Jetson Nano production module.
    • Jetson TX2 forum for Jetson TX2 Developer Kit and Jetson TX2 series production modules.
    • Jetson Xavier NX forum for Jetson Xavier NX Developer Kit and the Jetson Xavier NX production module.
    • Jetson AGX Xavier forum for Jetson AGX Xavier Developer Kit and Jetson AGX Xavier series production modules.
    • Jetson Orin Nano forum for Jetson Orin NX series production modules.
    • Jetson Orin NX forum for Jetson Orin NX series production modules.
    • Jetson AGX Orin forum for Jetson AGX Orin Developer Kit and Jetson AGX Orin series production modules.