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  • Introduction - What is VNC

    VNC (Virtual Network Computing) enables you to control your Jetson developer kit from another computer on the same network, by viewing and interacting with the desktop of the developer kit from the other computer. To learn more about VNC, click here .

    Your Jetson developer kit and the other computer need to be on the same network. A fairly fast network connection is needed. Slower connections will degrade the desktop interaction experience.

    Setup VNC server on the Jetson developer kit

    1. Enable the VNC server to start each time you log in
      If you have a Jetson Nano 2GB Developer Kit (running LXDE)
      mkdir -p ~/.config/autostart
      cp /usr/share/applications/vino-server.desktop ~/.config/autostart/.
      For all other Jetson developer kits (running GNOME)
      cd /usr/lib/systemd/user/graphical-session.target.wants
      sudo ln -s ../vino-server.service ./.
    2. Configure the VNC server
      gsettings set org.gnome.Vino prompt-enabled false
      gsettings set org.gnome.Vino require-encryption false
    3. Set a password to access the VNC server
      # Replace thepassword with your desired password
      gsettings set org.gnome.Vino authentication-methods "['vnc']"
      gsettings set org.gnome.Vino vnc-password $(echo -n 'thepassword'|base64)
    4. Reboot the system so that the settings take effect
      sudo reboot

    The VNC server is only available after you have logged in to Jetson locally. If you wish VNC to be available automatically, use the system settings application on your developer kit to enable automatic login.

    Connecting to VNC service from another computer

    You’ll need to know the IP address of your Jetson developer kit to connect from another computer. Run the ifconfig command on your developer kit and note down the IP address assigned to eth0 interface if using ethernet, wlan0 interface if using wireless, or l4tbr0 if using the USB device mode Ethernet connection.

    Step 1: Download and Install VNC viewer from here

    Step 2: Launch the VNC viewer and type in the IP address of your developer kit

    Step 3: If you have configured the VNC server for authentication, provide the VNC password

    The example below uses the Screen Sharing app included with macOS. However, any of your favourite vnc clients should work as well.

    • Step 1. Open FInder and choose Go | Go to Folder from the menu bar.
    • Step 2. Enter “/System/Library/CoreServices/Applications” and click Go
    • Step 3. Open the app named Screen Sharing and enter the connection information. For example: username@
    • Step 4. Click connect.
    • Step 5. If you have configured the VNC server for authentication, provide the VNC password.

    The example below is using gvncviewer, however any of your favourite vnc clients should work as well. One popular alternative is remmina.

    • Step 1: Install gvncviewer by executing following commands:
      sudo apt update
      sudo apt install gvncviewer
    • Step 2: Launch gvncviewer
    • Step 3: If you have configured the VNC server for authentication, provide the VNC password

    Note: These instructions are also available in the README-vnc.txt file on the L4T-README volume included in your system image. You can access the contents of that volume by mounting it from your developer kit.

    The volume is also accessible to other computers via your developer kit’s USB Device Mode functionality:

    • Power on your developer kit
    • Connecting the other computer to your developer kit’s Micro-USB port (or front USB-C connector in the case of Jetson AGX Xavier Developer Kit)
    • The L4T-README volume will mount on the other computer, including files such as README-vnc.txt.
