Unity Engine
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NVIDIA RTX Technologies in Unity Engine
Experience Real-Time Ray Tracing with NVIDIA DLSS in Unity HDRP
NVIDIA Deep Learning Super Sampling (DLSS) is natively supported for the High Definition Render Pipeline (HDRP) in Unity 2021.2. NVIDIA DLSS uses advanced AI rendering to produce image quality that’s comparable to native resolution—and in some cases even better—while only conventionally rendering a fraction of the pixels. With NVIDIA DLSS, Unity developers can create beautiful ray-traced worlds in real time, running at high frame rates and resolutions on NVIDIA RTX GPUs. DLSS also provides a substantial performance boost for traditional rasterized graphics.
Get Started With DLSSReduce Latency with NVIDIA Reflex in Unity

System latency measured at max settings on a pre-release version of Escape From Tarkov at 1440p, 144Hz, on a Core i9 10900k CPU
NVIDIA Reflex in Unity allows game developers to implement a low-latency mode that aligns game engine work to complete just-in-time for rendering, eliminating the GPU render queue and reducing CPU back pressure in GPU-bound scenarios. As a developer, system latency can be one of the hardest metrics to optimize for. In addition to latency reduction functions, the SDK also features measurement markers to calculate both game and render latency, which is useful for debugging and visualizing in-game performance counters.
Download and Read More About NVIDIA ReflexNVIDIA RTX Game Integrations In Unity Engine
Creating Stunning Visuals in LEGO Builder’s Journey
LEGO Builder’s Journey is one of the most visually stunning games built on the Unity Game Engine. Light Brick Studio was able to achieve high resolution without losing performance thanks to DLSS and ray tracing. Starting from a stylized look, Light Brick’s artists upgraded the game with realistic rendering to enhance immersion in the game play and story. From lighting and materials to geometry processing and post effects, the small team brought the visuals as close to realism as possible in a limited time—all while using the same assets for other versions of the game.
See How Light Brick Studio Used Unity With DLSS
Maximizing Performance in Naraka Bladepoint
In Naraka Bladepoint, a fast-paced, visually rich game built on the Unity Game Engine, 24 entertainment was able to achieve high resolution without losing performance thanks to DLSS. The game renders at low-resolution and then uses DLSS to scale the imagery up to 4K. The result is a silky-smooth play experience that still takes full advantage of high-end game monitors.
Read the Technical BlogBringing the Best Gaming Experience to Escape from Tarkov
Reflex allows developers to empower, not only competitive gamers, but all gamers. Competitive titles such as Escape from Tarkov demand responsive game play. Maximum frame rates and low system latency are keys to hitting performance benchmarks—sub-25 milliseconds (ms) with NVIDIA Reflex, and 144+ frames per second (FPS) with NVIDIA? GeForce RTX?.
Learn More About Reflex in Escape From TarkovStreamlining Collaboration with the Omniverse Connector for Unity
NVIDIA Omniverse, a real-time design collaboration and simulation platform for building and operating metaverse applications, enables developers to use AI and NVIDIA RTX? enabled tools, or easily build custom ones, to streamline, accelerate and enhance their development workflows.
This initial Beta Unity connector provides baseline connectivity with the Omniverse platform. There will be continuous support to improve and add features in future updates.
Read the Documentation