• <xmp id="om0om">
  • <table id="om0om"><noscript id="om0om"></noscript></table>
  • ??????(ROS)? NVIDIA Isaac GEM?? ?? ????

    Reading Time: 5 minutes

    ROS? NVIDIA Isaac GEM? ROS2 ??????? ?? GPU ?? ???? ??? ??? ????? ???? DNN ?? ?? ??? ?????. ? ROS2 ???? ???? ????? ??? ??? ?? ?? ??(Long Stable Release)? ROS2 ??(Foxy)? ???? ????.

    ?? ?????? NVIDIA Isaac ROS GEM?? ?? ??? ???? ??? ?????. NVIDIA Jetson ???? ???? ?? ??? ?? ?? ?? ‘????(nanosaur)’? ??????(AprilTags) ??? ?? ?????.

    ?? ?? ROS? NVIDIA Isaac GEM? ??, ????? ????? ????? ?????.

    ROS? ROS2? ??

    2007?? ?? ???(Willow Garage)? ??????(Robot Operating System, ROS)? ??????. ? ?????? ??? ????? 2012??? ?? ????(Open Robotics) ??? ????. ???? ROS? ???? ?? ?????? ?? ?????, ?? ???? ???? ?? ? ?? ?? ??? ????? ???? ??? ?? ???.

    2015?? ???? ROS ????? ??? ???? ?? ???? ????(roscore)? ????, ?? ??? ?? ? ???? ????? ???? ??????. ???? ???? ?? ??, ??? ??? ???? ?? ????? ????? ??? ??? 2?? ROS? ??? ????? ????.

    ROS? ??? ?? ???? ? ???(Noetic) ???? ROS2? ???? ??? ??? ???? ???? ???, ??? LTS(Long Term Support, ?? ??) ??? ????? ???? ??? ?? ?? ???? ?????.


    ????(nanosaur)? NVIDIA Jetson? ???? ??? ??? ?? ?? ?????. 3D ??? ????, ?? ?? ????? ???? ? ???, ??? ???? OLED 2?? ??? ????. 10x12x6cm? ??? ??? ??? 500g? ?????.

    Image of the NVIDIA Jetson-based nanosaur robot
    ?? 1. NVIDIA Jetson ??? ????? 3D ??? ??? ?????.

    ????? ????? I2C OLED ????? 2?? ???? ??? I2C ?? ????? ???? NVIDIA JetBot? ?????. ??? ???? ?????? ??, ??(Docker)? ???? ROS2??? ????, ??? ??? ??? GPU? ????.

    ????? ??? ??? ?? ??? ?? ?? ??? ??? ????. ?? ?? ??? ????? ?????.

    • nanosaur_base
      • nanosaur_base? ?? ???? ?????? ??????.
      • joy2eyes? ????? ???? ?? ?? ??(topic)?? ?????. ? ??? ? ??? ??? ?? ? ?????.
    • nanosaur_camera
      • nanosaur_camera? MIPI ???? ??? ????? ROS2 ???? ?????.
    • ros2_jetson_stats
      • ros2_jetson_statsjetson-stats???? ??(wrapper)? NVIDIA Jetson(Xavier NX ?? Jetson AGX Xavier, Nano, TX1, TX2)? ????? ??? ?????.

    ? ??? ??? ???? ???(GitHub) ???? ?????.

    ???? ?? ? ???? ROS2 ???(graph)? ??? ????.

    A ROS2 graph of nanosaur divided by repository and package
    ?? 2. ???? ???? ??? ???? ROS2 ???

    ????? NVIDIA Jetson ROS Foxy Docker ???? ?? ???? ??????. ????(PyTorch)? NVIDIA TensorRT, DeepStream SDK ?? AI ?????? ??? ROS2 ???(Galactic), ????(Eloquent), ???(Melodic), ???? ?????.

    ROS2 ??? jetson ????? ?? nanosaur_camera?? ????/???? ??? ???? ??? ????.

    Overview of the nanosaur docker
    ?? 3. ??? ??. ????? dusty-nv/jetson-containers ???? ???? ?????.

    ????? ?? ? ??? ? ?? ??? ???? ????. ?? ? ??? image_raw topic? ?????? ?? ??? ?? ????, ????? ??? ??? ?????.


    ??? ??? ROS2 ???? ???? GPU ?? ???? ??? ??????. ???? ????? ?? ??? ???? CPU ??? ???? ??, AI? ???? ??? GPU??? ?? ??? ??? ??? ????. ? GEM ??? ROS ????? ???? NVIDIA Jetson? ?????.

    Block diagram of Isaac GEMs for ROS
    ?? 4. ROS Isaac GEM? GPU ?? ROS2 ??? ??? ???? ????? NVIDIA Jetson ?????? ?????.

    NVIDIA Isaac GEM? ROS ????? ???? ?? ???? ??? ????, ROS2 ???? ? ??? ?? ROS?? ??? ???? ?? ??? ??????. ROS? NVIDIA Isaac GEM? x86_ 64/dGPU(Ubuntu 20.04)? Jetson Xavier NX/AGX Xavier??? ?? NVIDIA JetPack 4.6? ?? ?????.

    ROS? NVIDIA Isaac GEM?? ??? ?????.


    ??????(AprilTag)? ???? ??? ???? ??? ??? ???? ??? QR ?????. ? ???? ?? ??? ???(fiducial), ?? ??? ?? ??? ??? ????? ??? ???? ?? ???? ????. ?? ?? ???? ???? ???(visor)? ????? ????? ???. ??? ???? ???? ??? ?? ??? ??? ???? ???? ???? ??? ?????.

    Image showing the various AprilTags, such as Tag36h11 and TagStandard41h12.
    ?? 5. ?? ??? ??????? ???? ??

    ROS2 ?????? ???? NVIDIA GPU? ??? ? ??? ????, ??(pose)? ID? ??? ?????? ?????. ? ???? CPU ?????? ??? ROS2 ??? ?????.

    ??? ???(dependencies)? ??? ????.

    • isaac_ros_common
    • isaac_ros_image_pipeline
    • image_common
    • vision_cv
    • OpenCV 4.5+

    ???? ????? ????? ???? ROS2 ???? ?????? ????? ??, ???? ? ????.

    Example pipeline for Isaac ROS, starting with image rectification to AprilTag detection
    ?? 6. ??? ???, ??? ??, ?????? ??? ???? NVIDIA Isaac ROS ?????? ?

    ????? ?????? ??? ???? ???? ???? ??? ????? ?????. ?? ? ?? ??? ?????. ?, ???? ? ?? ??? ???? ??, ?? ???? ??? ??????(calibration)? ?? ???? ??? camera_info ??? ????? ???.

    ? ??? ?? ? ros_image_proc? ?? ???? ROS2 ??????? ???? ??? ??? ?????. ?? ??????? ???? ?? ??(pose estimation) ??? ?????.

    Side-by-side picture comparison of raw image and rectified version

    ?? 7. ?? ???? ?? ??? ??

    isaac_ros_apriltag? ????? ??? ???????? ??? ROS2 ?????. ??? ???? ?? ??? ???? ??????. ???? ???? ??? ??, ??? ??, ID, ?? ?? ????. ? ??? ?? ??? /tag_detections???. ??? tag_detections ???? ?????.

        sec: 1631573373
        nanosec: 24552192
      frame_id: camera_color_optical_frame
    - family: 36h11
      id: 0
        x: 779.4064331054688
        y: 789.7901000976562
        z: 0.0
      - x: 614.0
        y: 592.0
        z: 0.0
      - x: 971.0
        y: 628.0
        z: 0.0
      - x: 946.0
        y: 989.0
        z: 0.0
    - x: 566.0
        y: 970.0
        z: 0.0
            sec: 0
            nanosec: 0
          frame_id: ''
              x: -0.08404197543859482
              y: 0.11455488204956055
              z: 0.6107800006866455
              x: -0.10551299154758453
              y: -0.10030339658260345
              z: 0.04563025385141373
              w: 0.9882935285568237
          covariance: [0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0]

    ????? ?????? ??

    nanosaur_follower ??? ????? ?? ?? ??? ?? PID ??(gain), ??? ?? ?????? ID? ??? ?????? ???? ????. ?? ??(loop)?? ? ??? Isaac_ros_apriltag? ??? ???? ?????, ??? ??? ???? ???? ?? ?? ?? ??? ?? ??? ?????.

    ?? 8? ? ????? Isaac_ros_apriltag? ?? ??? ??? ??? ???? ???? nanosaur_follower ??? ??? ?????.

    A diagram of AprilTag closed loop navigation and detection
    ?? 8. ??????? ?? ??(closed loop) ?????? ??

    ???? ??? ??? ?? ?? ??? ?? ??? ??? ??, ??? PID ???? ??? ??? ?? ?????. ?? 9?? 1? ???(A)? ???? ?? ??????? ???? ??????? ??? 0?? ????. ? ??? ROS2? ?? ?? ???? ??. ??? ??? ????(distance)?? ??? ? ?? ??? ??? ??(B)? ?????.

    Two images of the nanosaur and how the AprilTag corner placement drives the twist output and the AprilTag camera distance drives the speed.
    ?? 9. ?????? ?? ? ????? ?? ??? ???? ??? ??? ?????.

    ??? ? ?????

    ????? ?? ??? ??? ???? ????? ??? ? ?? ?? ???? ?? ?????. ??? ??? ??? ? ?? ?? ????? ????? ??? ? ??. ?? 10? ??? ?????? ????.

    Screenshot of interface with image and running code.
    ?? 10. ??? ?? ?? ? ROS2 ? ?????? ?


    ?? ?????? NVIDIA Isaac ROS GEM?? ?? ??? ???? ??? ??????. ? ???? NVIDIA Jetson ??? ??? ??? ?? ?? ??? ????? ?????? ??? ???? ?? ????.

    ? ??? ??? ?? ???? Isaac ROS ???? ??(Isaac ROS nanosaur integration)? ???????.

    Discuss (0)


    ?? ???
