Mark Harris

Mark is an NVIDIA Distinguished Engineer working on RAPIDS. Mark has over twenty years of experience developing software for GPUs, ranging from graphics and games, to physically-based simulation, to parallel algorithms and high-performance computing. While a Ph.D. student at The University of North Carolina he recognized a nascent trend and coined a name for it: GPGPU (General-Purpose computing on Graphics Processing Units).

Posts by Mark Harris

Data Science

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? ???? NVIDIA? ?? ?? ??? ????? ????? ??? CUDA? ?? ?? ??? ?????. 2013?? CUDA? ?? ??… 8 MIN READ

CUDA ??? ?: ??? ?? GPU ????? nvprof

CUDA 5? CUDA ??? nvprof?? ??? ? ??? ???????. nvprof? Linux, Windows ? OS X?? ??? ?… 4 MIN READ