Nsight Graphics 2019.4
NVIDIA? Nsight? Graphics 2019.4 is released with the following changes:
- Feature Enhancement:?GPU Trace
- Execute Command List visualization has been added to the actions row
- Resource barriers have been added to the synchronization row and a new overlay to help users correlate resource barriers to work regimes
- Added the ability to zoom to single- and multi-selection with the “Zoom to Selection†button
Feature Enhancement:?Range Profiler
- OpenGL support has been added for Turing based GPU targets
- Feature Enhancement:?Acceleration Structure Viewer
- NVIDIA VKRay acceleration structures can now be viewed when analyzing ray tracing applications on Linux hosts
- New Support:?OpenGL 4.6
- OpenGL 4.6 is now supported in Frame Debugging, C++ Capture, and Frame Profiling activities
- New Support:?Windows 10 19H1 Update
- Support for applications using Variable Rate Shading APIs – ID3D12GraphicsCommandList5::RSSetShadingRate and ID3D12GraphicsCommandList5::RSSetShadingRateImage
- Feature Enhancement:?HUD
- Incompatible Capture UX – added the ability to accept a notification and proceed at the user’s own risk from the HUD when an incompatible capture is detected
- Feature Enhancement:?API Inspector
- Meshlet pipeline stages have been added to the D3D12 API Inspector?
- New Support: Multi-View Rendering
- Multi-View Rendering support has been added
- New Support:?OpenGL Extensions
- GL_OVR_multiview?and?GL_OVR_multiview_multisampled_render_to_texture
- New Support:?Vulkan Extensions
- Ycbcr format Extensions – VkSamplerYcbcrConversion?
- New Support: OpenGL Immediate Mode
- Basic support for immediate mode has been added for the most common use cases
- Improved:
- Improved Frame Debugger capture and interception performance
- Removed:
- Removed real-time performance graphs on the HUD in favor of the more detailed, persistent graphs provided by the GPU Trace activity.
- Removed shader performance statistics. The statistics were not supported for modern architectures. We will support a more robust means of getting this information in a future release.
For more details and known issues, please see the full release notes!
For an overview of Nsight? Graphics and access to resources, please visit the main Nsight? Graphics page.
NVIDIA? Nsight? Graphics 2019.4 is available for download under the NVIDIA Registered Developer Program.