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  • NVIDIA Studio Stack

    NVIDIA Studio Stack is a set of software that provides digital content creators with the best performance and reliability when working with creative apps. It includes NVIDIA Studio SDKs and APIs for app developers and NVIDIA Studio Drivers for creators. NVIDIA also validates laptops specifically designed and optimized for content creators - checkout the latest list of laptops that carry the RTX Studio badge.

    NVIDIA Studio Drivers

    NVIDIA Studio Drivers supercharge all the biggest creative apps. To achieve the highest level of reliability, Studio Drivers undergo extensive testing against multi-app creator workflows and multiple revisions of the top creative applications from Adobe to Autodesk and beyond. With an emphasis on long-term stability and support, these drivers will be released throughout the year with fixes and enhancements to keep creators at the top of their game.

    Download Drivers ??Select Studio Drivers in the "Download Type"

    NVIDIA Studio SDK

    NVIDIA offers SDKs and APIs to accelerate ray tracing, rendering, video editing and processing, 2D vector animation and more. Application developers can also add AI features like super slow motion or auto tagging to their applications using the CUDA-X AI platform; the industry standard for artificial intelligence development.

    If you are not already a member of the NVIDIA Developer Program, join today.

    Rendering and Ray Tracing:

    • OptiX SDK programmable, hardware accelerated ray tracing framework
    • MDL SDK integrate the open source material definition language for material portability across renderers
    • vMaterials library with hundreds of ready to use real world materials
    • CUDA parallel programming model for general computing on GPUs.
    • DirectX/DXR
    • Vulkan/VKray
    • OpenGL

    Video and Image processing:

    • Video Codec SDK hardware accelerated video encode and decode of industry standard formats.
    • Optical Flow SDK highly accurate flow vectors, with robust frame-to-frame intensity variations and true object motion for tracking objects within video frames, video action recognition, stereo depth estimation and many more applications.
    • GPUDirect for Video efficiently transfer video frames in and out of NVIDIA GPU memory.
    • Capture SDK capture and compress the desktop buffer for transmission or storage.
    • CUDA parallel programming model for general computing on GPUs.


    CUDA-X AI is a collection of optimized libraries built on CUDA. These libraries accelerate the entire AI pipeline from data processing to training and inference to deployment. For example libraries like cuDNN and DALI help developers reduce training times while TensorRT optimizes networks and takes advantage of Tensor Cores for the fastest inference on GPUs. It also includes higher level SDKs such as NGX SDK which makes it easy to integrate AI features into creative applications with pre-trained networks. CUDA-X AI supports popular frameworks like TensorFlow and PyTorch and helps accelerate deployment with tools and APIs like ONYX and WinML.

    NVIDIA AI Playground
