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  • NVIDIA DRIVE OS Linux SDK API Reference

    6.0.9 Release
    All Data Structures Namespaces Files Functions Variables Typedefs Enumerations Enumerator Macros Modules Pages
    Name Strings
        Jon Leech (jon 'at' alumni.caltech.edu)
        Copyright (c) 2010-2013 The Khronos Group Inc. Copyright terms at
    IP Status
        No known IP claims.
        Approved by the Khronos Board of Promoters on February 3, 2012
        Updated in version 14 to add ES3 context creation bit - see Issue 8
        Version 15, 2013/03/27
        EGL Extension #39
        EGL 1.4 is required.
        Some of the capabilities of these extensions are only available when
        OpenGL and OpenGL ES contexts supporting specific versions, specific
        profiles, or specific extensions can be created. All such restrictions
        are documented in the body of this extension specification.
        With the advent of new versions of OpenGL which deprecate features
        and/or break backward compatibility with older versions, there is a need
        and desire to indicate at context creation which interface will be used.
        This extension adds a new context creation routine with attributes
        specifying the OpenGL version, context properties, and profile requested
        for the context. It also allows making an OpenGL 3.0 or later context
        (or other client API context supporting the ability) current without
        providing a default framebuffer. The new context creation attributes
        are also defined to work for OpenGL ES context creation when that
        makes sense, and the extension has been augmented to allow configs to
        advertise support for creating OpenGL ES 3.0 contexts.
    New Procedures and Functions
    New Tokens
        Accepted as an attribute name in the <*attrib_list> argument of
            EGL_CONTEXT_MAJOR_VERSION_KHR           0x3098
                (this token is an alias for EGL_CONTEXT_CLIENT_VERSION)
            EGL_CONTEXT_MINOR_VERSION_KHR           0x30FB
            EGL_CONTEXT_FLAGS_KHR                   0x30FC
        Accepted as a bitfield value in the EGL_RENDERABLE_TYPE config
        attribute to eglChooseConfig:
            EGL_OPENGL_ES3_BIT_KHR                  0x0040
        Accepted as attribute values for
            EGL_NO_RESET_NOTIFICATION_KHR           0x31BE
            EGL_LOSE_CONTEXT_ON_RESET_KHR           0x31BF
        Accepted as bits in the attribute value for EGL_CONTEXT_FLAGS_KHR in
            EGL_CONTEXT_OPENGL_DEBUG_BIT_KHR               0x00000001
            EGL_CONTEXT_OPENGL_ROBUST_ACCESS_BIT_KHR       0x00000004
        Accepted as bits in the attribute value for
        EGL_CONTEXT_OPENGL_PROFILE_MASK_KHR in <*attrib_list>:
            EGL_CONTEXT_OPENGL_CORE_PROFILE_BIT_KHR          0x00000001
    Additions to the OpenGL / WGL / GLX Specifications
        None. This specification is written for EGL.
    Additions to the EGL 1.4 Specification
        Add to table 3.3 "Types of client APIs supported by an EGLConfig"
           "EGL Token Name          Client API and Version Supported
            ----------------------  --------------------------------
            EGL_OPENGL_ES3_BIT_KHR  OpenGL ES 3.x"
        Modify the last sentence of section 3.5.2 "Creating Off-Screen
        Rendering Surfaces"
       "Finally, an EGL_BAD_ATTRIBUTE error is generated if ... <config> does
        not support OpenGL ES rendering (e.g. the EGL_RENDERABLE_TYPE
        attribute does not include at least one of EGL_OPENGL_ES_BIT,
        Modify section 3.7 "Rendering Contexts" in the paragraph near
        the top of page 42:
       "Only one OpenGL or OpenGL ES context may be current to a particular
        thread, even if the implementation supports OpenGL and one or more
        versions of OpenGL ES in the same runtime [fn12]."
        Replace section 3.7.1 "Creating Rendering Contexts" from the
        sixth paragraph through the end of the subsection with:
       "<attrib_list> specifies a list of attributes for the context. The
        list has the same structure as described for eglChooseConfig. If an
        attribute is not specified in <attrib_list>, then the default value
        specified below is used instead. Most attributes are only meaningful
        for specific client APIs, and will generate an error when specified
        to create for another client API context.
        OpenGL and OpenGL ES Context Versions
        The values for attributes EGL_CONTEXT_MAJOR_VERSION_KHR and
        EGL_CONTEXT_MINOR_VERSION_KHR specify the requested client API
        version. They are only meaningful for OpenGL and OpenGL ES contexts,
        and specifying them for other types of contexts will generate an
        When the current rendering API is EGL_OPENGL_ES_API or
        <major version> and EGL_CONTEXT_MINOR_VERSION_KHR (the <minor
        version>) request creation of an OpenGL ES or OpenGL context,
        respectively, supporting the specified version (<major>.<minor>) of
        that client API.
           [fn: the EGL 1.4 token EGL_CONTEXT_CLIENT_VERSION is an alias for
            EGL_CONTEXT_MAJOR_VERSION_KHR, and the tokens may be used
        If successful, the context returned must be <backwards compatible>
        with the requested version. Backwards compatibility is determined as
        If the current rendering API is EGL_OPENGL_ES_API, then:
          * If version 1.0 is requested, the context returned may implement
            either OpenGL ES 1.0 or OpenGL ES 1.1.
          * If version 1.1 is requested, the context returned must implement
            OpenGL ES 1.1.
          * If version 2.0, version 3.0, or a later version (when later
            versions are defined by Khronos) is requested, the context
            returned must implement the requested OpenGL ES version, or any
            later version which is backwards compatible with the requested
        If the current rendering API is EGL_OPENGL_API, then:
          * If a version less than or equal to OpenGL 3.0 is requested, the
            context returned may implement any of the following versions:
              * Any version no less than that requested and no greater than
              * Version 3.1, if the GL_ARB_compatibility extension is also
              * The compatibility profile of version 3.2 or greater.
          * If OpenGL 3.1 is requested, the context returned may implement
            any of the following versions:
              * Version 3.1. The GL_ARB_compatibility extension may or may
                not be implemented, as determined by the implementation.
              * The core profile of version 3.2 or greater.
          * If OpenGL 3.2 or greater is requested, the context returned may
            implement any of the following versions:
              * The requested profile (see
                EGL_CONTEXT_OPENGL_PROFILE_MASK_KHR below) of the requested
              * The requested profile of any later version, so long as no
                features have been removed from that later version and
        Typically, the implementation will return the most recent version of
        OpenGL it supports which is backwards compatible with the requested
        Querying the GL_VERSION string with glGetString in either OpenGL or
        OpenGL ES (or the GL_MAJOR_VERSION and GL_MINOR_VERSION values with
        glGetIntegerv, in an OpenGL 3.0 or later context) will return the
        actual version supported by a context.
        The default values for EGL_CONTEXT_MAJOR_VERSION_KHR and
        EGL_CONTEXT_MINOR_VERSION_KHR are 1 and 0 respectively.
        OpenGL Context Profiles
        The value for attribute EGL_CONTEXT_OPENGL_PROFILE_MASK_KHR
        specifies a <profile> of the OpenGL API. This attribute is only
        meaningful for OpenGL contexts, and specifying it for other types of
        contexts, including OpenGL ES contexts, will generate an error.
        When the current rendering API is EGL_OPENGL_API, the value of
        EGL_CONTEXT_OPENGL_PROFILE_MASK_KHR requests an OpenGL context
        supporting the corresponding profile. If the
        EGL_CONTEXT_OPENGL_CORE_PROFILE_BIT_KHR bit is set in the attribute
        value, then a context implementing the <core> profile of OpenGL is
        bit is set, then a context implementing the <compatibility> profile
        is returned. If the requested OpenGL version is less than 3.2,
        EGL_CONTEXT_OPENGL_PROFILE_MASK_KHR is ignored and the functionality
        of the context is determined solely by the requested version.
        Querying the value of GL_CONTEXT_PROFILE_MASK with glGetIntegerv
        will return the profile mask used to create the context. This query
        is only supported in an OpenGL 3.2 or later context.
        The default value for EGL_CONTEXT_OPENGL_PROFILE_MASK_KHR is
        implementations are required to implement the core profile, but
        implementation of the compatibility profile is optional.
        If the core profile is requested, then the context returned cannot
        implement functionality defined only by the compatibility profile.
        OpenGL and OpenGL ES Context Flags
        The value for attribute EGL_CONTEXT_FLAGS_KHR specifies a set of flag
        bits affecting the context. Flag bits are only meaningful when creating
        certain types of contexts, as described for each bit below, and
        specifying such a flag bit when creating another type of context will
        generate an error.
        If the EGL_CONTEXT_OPENGL_DEBUG_BIT_KHR flag bit is set in
        EGL_CONTEXT_FLAGS_KHR, then a <debug context> will be created. Debug
        contexts are intended for use during application development, to
        provide additional runtime checking, validation, and logging
        functionality while possibly incurring performance penalties. The
        additional functionality provided by debug contexts may vary
        according to the implementation(fn). In some cases a debug context
        may be identical to a non-debug context. This bit is supported for
        OpenGL and OpenGL ES contexts.
            [fn: Khronos is still defining the expected and required
                 features of debug contexts, so implementations are
                 currently free to implement "debug contexts" with little or
                 no debug functionality. However, OpenGL and OpenGL ES
                 implementations supporting the GL_KHR_debug extension
                 should enable it when this bit is set.]
            [fn2: See issue 9 below for discussion of backwards
                 compatibility issues with the debug bit and OpenGL ES
        in EGL_CONTEXT_FLAGS_KHR, then a <forward-compatible> context will
        be created. Forward-compatible contexts are defined only for OpenGL
        versions 3.0 and later. They must not support functionality marked
        as <deprecated> by that version of the API, while a
        non-forward-compatible context must support all functionality in
        that version, deprecated or not. This bit is supported for OpenGL
        contexts, and requesting a forward-compatible context for OpenGL
        versions less than 3.0 will generate an error.
        EGL_CONTEXT_FLAGS_KHR, then a context supporting <robust buffer
        access> will be created. Robust buffer access is defined in the
        GL_ARB_robustness extension specification, and the resulting context
        must also support either the GL_ARB_robustness extension, or a
        version of OpenGL incorporating equivalent functionality. This bit
        is supported for OpenGL contexts.
        The default value of EGL_CONTEXT_FLAGS_KHR is zero.
        OpenGL Context Reset Notification
        The attribute name
        <reset notification behavior> of the rendering context. This
        attribute is only meaningful for OpenGL contexts, and specifying it
        for other types of contexts, including OpenGL ES contexts, will
        generate an error.
        Reset notification behavior is defined in the GL_ARB_robustness
        extension specification, and the resulting context must also support
        either the GL_ARB_robustness extension, or a version of OpenGL or
        incorporating equivalent functionality. The attribute value may be
        EGL_LOSE_CONTEXT_ON_RESET_KHR, which respectively result in reset
        notification behavior of GL_NO_RESET_NOTIFICATION_ARB and
        GL_LOSE_CONTEXT_ON_RESET_ARB, as described by GL_ARB_robustness. The
        On failure eglCreateContext returns EGL_NO_CONTEXT and generates an
        EGL error with extended error information. Conditions that cause
        failure include:
          * If an attribute is specified that is not meaningful for the
            client API type determined by the current rendering API, an
            EGL_BAD_ATTRIBUTE error is generated.
          * If the current rendering api is EGL_NONE, then an EGL_BAD_MATCH
            error is generated (this situation can only arise in an
            implementation which does not support OpenGL ES 1.x, and prior to
            the first call to eglBindAPI).
          * If share_context is neither EGL_NO_CONTEXT nor a valid context
            of the same client API type as the newly created context, then
            an EGL_BAD_CONTEXT error is generated.
          * If <config> is not a valid EGLConfig, or does not support the
            requested client API, then an EGL_BAD_CONFIG error is generated
            (this includes requesting creation of an OpenGL ES 1.x, 2.0, or
            3.0 context when the EGL_RENDERABLE_TYPE attribute of <config>
            does not contain EGL_OPENGL_ES_BIT, EGL_OPENGL_ES2_BIT, or
            EGL_OPENGL_ES3_BIT_KHR respectively).
          * If <config> does not support a client API context compatible
            with the requested API major and minor version, context flags,
            and context reset notification behavior (for client API types
            where these attributes are supported), then an EGL_BAD_MATCH
            error is generated.
          * If an OpenGL context is requested, the requested version is
            greater than 3.2, and the value for attribute
            EGL_CONTEXT_OPENGL_PROFILE_MASK_KHR has no bits set; has any
            bits set other than EGL_CONTEXT_OPENGL_CORE_PROFILE_BIT_KHR and
            one of these bits set; or if the implementation does not support
            the requested profile, then an EGL_BAD_MATCH error is generated.
          * If an OpenGL or OpenGL ES context is requested and the server
            context state for <share_context> exists in an address space
            that cannot be shared with the newly created context, if
            <share_context> was created on a different display than the one
            referenced by <config>, if the reset notification behavior of
            <share_context> and the newly created context are different, or
            if the contexts are otherwise incompatible (for example, one
            context being associated with a hardware device driver and the
            other with a software renderer), then an EGL_BAD_MATCH error is
          * If the server does not have enough resources to allocate the new
            context, then an EGL_BAD_ALLOC error is generated.
          * If an OpenGL context is requested and the values for attributes
            when considered together with the value for attribute
            version and feature set that are not defined, than an
            EGL_BAD_MATCH error is generated.
            The defined versions of OpenGL at the time of writing are OpenGL
            1.0, 1.1, 1.2, 1.3, 1.4, 1.5, 2.0, 2.1, 3.0, 3.1, 3.2, 4.0, 4.1,
            4.2, and 4.3. Feature deprecation was introduced with OpenGL
            3.0, so forward-compatible contexts may only be requested for
            OpenGL 3.0 and above. Thus, examples of invalid combinations of
            attributes include:
              - Major version < 1 or > 4
              - Major version == 1 and minor version < 0 or > 5
              - Major version == 2 and minor version < 0 or > 1
              - Major version == 3 and minor version < 0 or > 2
              - Major version == 4 and minor version < 0 or > 3
              - Forward-compatible flag set and major version < 3
            Because the purpose of forward-compatible contexts is to allow
            application development on a specific OpenGL version with the
            knowledge that the app will run on a future version, context
            creation will fail if
            context version returned cannot implement exactly the requested
          * If an OpenGL ES context is requested and the values for
            attributes EGL_CONTEXT_MAJOR_VERSION_KHR and
            EGL_CONTEXT_MINOR_VERSION_KHR specify an OpenGL ES version that
            is not defined, than an EGL_BAD_MATCH error is generated.
            The defined versions of OpenGL ES at the time of writing are
            OpenGL ES 1.0, 1.1, 2.0, and 3.0. Examples of invalid
            combinations of attributes include:
              - Major version < 1 or > 3
              - Major version == 1 and minor version < 0 or > 1
              - Major version == 2 and minor version != 0
              - Major version == 3 and minor version != 0
          * If an attribute name or attribute value in <attrib_list> is not
            recognized (including undefined or unsupported bits in bitmask
            attributes), then an EGL_BAD_ATTRIBUTE error is generated."
        In section 3.7.3, replace the following two error conditions in the
        list of eglMakeCurrent errors:
       "  * If <ctx> is not a valid context, an EGL_BAD_CONTEXT error is
          * If either <draw> or <read> are not valid EGL surfaces, an
            EGL_BAD_SURFACE error is generated."
        with the following error conditions:
       "  * If <ctx> is not a valid context and is not EGL_NO_CONTEXT, an
            EGL_BAD_CONTEXT error is generated.
          * If either <draw> or <read> are not valid EGL surfaces and are
            not EGL_NO_SURFACE, an EGL_BAD_SURFACE error is generated.
          * If <ctx> is EGL_NO_CONTEXT and either <draw> or <read> are not
            EGL_NO_SURFACE, an EGL_BAD_MATCH error is generated.
          * If either of <draw> or <read> is a valid surface and the other
            is EGL_NO_SURFACE, an EGL_BAD_MATCH error is generated.
          * If <ctx> does not support being bound without read and draw
            surfaces, and both <draw> and <read> are EGL_NO_SURFACE, an
            EGL_BAD_MATCH error is generated."
        Replace the paragraph starting "If <ctx> is EGL_NO_CONTEXT and
        <draw> and <read> are not EGL_NO_SURFACE..." with
       "If both <draw> and <read> are EGL_NO_SURFACE, and <ctx> is an OpenGL
        context supporting version 3.0 or later of the OpenGL API, then no
        error is generated and the context is made current without a
        <default framebuffer>. The meaning of this is defined in chapter 4
        of the OpenGL 3.0 Specification."
        Append to the paragraph starting "The first time an OpenGL or OpenGL
        ES context is made current..." with
       "If the first time <ctx> is made current, it is without a default
        framebuffer (e.g. both <draw> and <read> are EGL_NO_SURFACE), then
        the viewport and scissor regions are set as though
        glViewport(0,0,0,0) and glScissor(0,0,0,0) were called."
        EGL errors for eglCreateContext as described in the body of the
        eglMakeCurrent error behavior is relaxed to allow making an OpenGL
        3.0 or later context current without a default read or draw
    Conformance Tests
    Sample Code
        Non-window-system dependent issues described in the
        WGL_ARB_create_context extension specification in the OpenGL
        Registry apply to EGL_KHR_create_context.
     1) Do enumerant values need to be shared with the equivalent WGL / GLX
        Mostly not. The only case where it's fairly important that the
        values be identical is the EGL_CONTEXT_FLAGS_KHR attribute bitmask
        values, which are also exposed through an OpenGL query.
     2) Why are some attribute values named EGL_CONTEXT_OPENGL_*?
        It is possible that context flags and profiles will eventually be
        defined for client APIs other than OpenGL. To allow for this
        possibility, the names of the corresponding attribute values are
        distinguished. For example, EGL_CONTEXT_FLAGS_KHR currently only has
        flags defined for OpenGL context creation, and those flags are named
        EGL_CONTEXT_OPENGL_*_BIT_KHR, but in time OpenVG context creation
        might allow flags as well. Such flags would be named
     3) Why does EGL_CONTEXT_MAJOR_VERSION_KHR have a distinct numeric token
        value when it is functionally equivalent to
        It no longer has a distinct token value; see issue 1.
     4) How will future versions of OpenGL ES interact with this extension?
        Later context versions which are backwards compatibile with the
        requested version can be returned, just as with OpenGL contexts.
     5) What happens when requesting a context requiring OpenGL functionality
        that cannot be supported by the underlying GL implementation, such as
        requesting lost context reset notification and/or robust buffer access
        when the implementation does not support the functionality defined by
        Context creation will fail and an EGL_BAD_MATCH error will be
        generated. This case is included under the general language of the
        fifth bullet point under "Errors" but this issue is added to for
     6) How is robust buffer access and reset notification supported under
        OpenGL ES?
        RESOLVED: It is an error to request robust buffer access and/or reset
        notification for OpenGL ES contexts. Exposing robust buffer access and
        reset notification for OpenGL ES contexts may be defined in a future EGL
     7) Future support for OpenGL ES context creation.
        If and when features available for OpenGL context creation are defined
        for OpenGL ES context creation in the future, debug contexts, forward
        compatible contexts, and robust buffer access contexts may be specified
        using separate attributes rather than bitmasks. The reset notification
        behavior attribute may be extended to cover OpenGL ES as well as OpenGL.
     8) Why was the EGL_OPENGL_ES3_BIT_KHR added in version 13 of the
        extension? Doesn't this break backwards compatibility with older
        versions of the extension?
        Applications need the functionality to be confident that context
        creation of an OpenGL ES 3.0 context will succeed (rather than trying
        it with different configs until one that succeeds is found).
        If this bit is passed into eglChooseConfig and the implementation
        supports only an older version of the extension, an EGL_BAD_ATTIBUTE
        error should be generated. Since no matching configs will be found, a
        robustly-written application will fail (or fall back to an ES 2.0
        rendering path) at this point. This is the same application behavior
        that should result from not finding a matching config on an
        implementation supporting version 13 of the extension, even though the
        failure mode is different (EGL error vs. returning no matching
        configs). The EGL Working Group considers this sufficiently benign
        behavior, and the functionality important enough, to make the change.
     9) Why was OpenGL ES support for EGL_CONTEXT_OPENGL_DEBUG_BIT_KHR added
        in version 15 of the extension? Doesn't this break backwards
        compatibility with older versions of the extension?
        Now that the GL_KHR_debug extension is ratified and available,
        OpenGL ES implementers needed a way to enable debug functionality,
        and wanted to use the same mechanism as OpenGL. There is no
        discovery mechanism for this capability, so an application creating
        a OpenGL ES context with the debug bit set and running against an
        older EGL driver should generate an error. The OpenGL ES Working
        Group considers this benign behavior.
    Revision History
        Version 15, 2013/03/27
          - Add OpenGL ES support for debug contexts (Bug 10035).
        Version 14, 2012/09/19
          - Assign enum value to new bit and published updated extension.
        Version 13, 2012/07/29
          - Add EGL_OPENGL_ES3_BIT_KHR to table 3.3 and sections 3.5.2, 3.7,
            and 3.7.1. Add issue 8 explaining the addition.
        Version 12, 2012/07/25
          - Explicitly describe new OpenGL 4.3 and OpenGL ES 3.0 versions.
            This is not a behavior change (Khronos Bug 9136).
          - Make spec consistent so that asking for a forward-compatible GL
            context for versions less than 3.0 is an error (Bug 9314).
          - Change nonexistent EGL_BAD_PROFILE_KHR error generated when
            asking for an unsupported or nonexistent GL profile to an
            EGL_BAD_MATCH error (Bug 9314).
          - Fix typos in spec body for several new tokens of form
            "EGL_CONTEXT_OPENGL_*" which were missing the "OPENGL_" part
            (Bug 9314).
        Version 11, 2012/07/09 - change nonexistent EGL_BAD_VALUE error
        to EGL_BAD_ATTRIBUTE (Khronos Bug 9269).
        Version 10, 2011/11/22 - fix typo.
        Version 9, 2011/11/09 - resolve issue 6 and add issue 7, limiting
        various context creation attributes to apply only to OpenGL and not
        to OpenGL ES.
        Version 8, 2011/10/20 - change spec body to match BAD_MATCH error
        returned in issue 5 when specifying context version and attributes
        that collectively cannot be satisfied.
        Version 7, 2011/10/19 - add issue 5 clarifying context creation
        failures when requesting functionality that cannot be supported by a
        GL or ES context, and issue 6 discussing the meaning of "equivalent
        to GL_ARB_robustness".
        Version 6, 2011/10/19 - minor cleanup & clarification of OpenGL ES
        version requests.
        Version 5, 2010/09/22 - add context reset notification strategy
        attributes from GLX/WGL context creation extensions.
        Version 4, 2010/09/22 - fix typo. Assign enumerant values and update
        issue 1 to match. Add caveat to errors section so that invalid
        attribute values for EGL_CONTEXT_OPENGL_PROFILE_MASK_KHR only raise
        errors when requesting an OpenGL context of version 3.2 or greater
        (bug 6374). Add issue 4 and allow ES 2.0 context creation requests
        to return later versions that are backwards-compatible (bug 6374).
        Version 3, 2010/07/21 - remove surfaceless bit in favor of separate
        per-client-API extensions which promise that contexts of a given
        client API type can be bound without surfaces on that display. Add
        robust buffer access bit from equivalent WGL/GLX context creation
        extensions. Rename EGL_CONTEXT_FLAGS_KHR so it's not specific to
        Version 2, 2010/06/29 - add EGL_CONTEXT_OPENGL_SURFACELESS_BIT_KHR
        context flag bit (bug 6082).
        Version 1, 2010/06/29 - Initial version based on equivalent
        WGL_ARB_create_context and GLX_ARB_create_context extensions.