►Nnvsipl | Contains the classes and variables for implementation of SIPL |
C_NvMediaPicEntry_AV1 | |
C_NvMediaPicEntry_AV1_Short | |
C_NvMediaPictureInfo_AV1 | Holds picture parameter information for AV1 picture |
C_NvMediaTile_AV1 | |
Cether_exported_ifr_data | Struct ether_exported_ifr_data - Private data of struct ifreq |
Cether_l2_filter | Structure for L2 filters input |
CNvData32Rec | Union that can be used to view a 32-bit word as your choice of a 32-bit unsigned integer, a 32-bit signed integer, or an IEEE single-precision float |
CNvData64Rec | Generic data representation for both 32 and 64 bits data |
CNvMedia2DAttributes | Attributes structure for NvMedia2DCreate() |
CNvMedia2DComposeResult | Stores information returned from NvMedia2DCompose() |
CNvMedia2DFilterCoefficients10Tap | Coefficients values structure for 10-tap custom filter |
CNvMedia2DFilterCoefficients5Tap | Coefficients values structure for 5-tap custom filter |
CNvMediaBitstreamBuffer | Holds an application data buffer containing compressed video data |
CNvMediaBitStreamPkt | Holds the bitstream packet input for parsing |
CNvMediaContentLightLevelInfo | Content Light Level info for an H.265 picture |
CNvMediaDecCurrFrame | Holds decoded current frame information |
CNvMediaDecRefFrame | Holds decoded reference frame information |
CNvMediaDlaArgs | Holds input and output DLA data |
CNvMediaDlaBinaryLoadable | Holds attributes for populating binary loadables for NvMediaDla |
CNvMediaDlaData | Specifies the data type and data pointer |
CNvMediaDlaDataPointer | Holds pointers to the DLA data |
CNvMediaDlaTensorDescriptor | Holds tensor attributes |
CNvMediaDlaUMDVersion | Holds the DLA UMD version |
CNvMediaDPBInfo | Holds decoded Picture Buffer information |
CNvMediaEncodeCfgFiles | Defines the structure for holding the encoding attributes for HW validation |
CNvMediaEncodeCodecExData | Holds a codec-specific extradata output |
CNvMediaEncodeConfigAV1 | Holds AV1 encoder configuration parameters |
CNvMediaEncodeConfigH264 | Holds an H264 encoder configuration |
CNvMediaEncodeConfigH264VUIParams | Holds H264 video usability information parameters |
CNvMediaEncodeConfigH265 | Holds the H265 encoder configuration parameters |
CNvMediaEncodeConfigH265VUIParams | Holds the H.265 video usability information parameters |
CNvMediaEncodeConfigVP9 | Holds VP9 encoder configuration parameters |
CNvMediaEncodeDRCConfig | Defines the resolution change parameters |
CNvMediaEncodeExternalMEHint | Holds an External Motion Vector hint |
CNvMediaEncodeExternalMeHintCountsPerBlocktype | Holds an external motion vector hint with counts per block type |
CNvMediaEncodeFrameFullProp | Holds a encoder frames property |
CNvMediaEncodeH264SEIPayload | H.264 specific User SEI message |
CNvMediaEncodeH265SEIPayload | Holds an H265-specific User SEI message |
CNvMediaEncodeInitializeParamsAV1 | Holds AV1-specific encode initialization parameters |
CNvMediaEncodeInitializeParamsH264 | Holds H264-specific encode initialization parameters |
CNvMediaEncodeInitializeParamsH265 | Holds H265-specific encode initialization parameters |
CNvMediaEncodeInitializeParamsVP9 | Holds VP9-specific encode initialization parameters |
CNvMediaEncodeInputExtradata | Holds an Video encoder input extradata configuration |
CNvMediaEncodeMVBufferHeader | Header format that defines motion vector output |
CNvMediaEncodeMVData | Motion Vector format - motion vectors for each of the macro blocks are dumped in this format contiguously in memory, beyond the NvMediaEncodeMVBufferHeader in the bitstream |
CNvMediaEncodeOutputExtradata | Holds the encoder output extradata configuration |
CNvMediaEncodePicParamsAV1 | Holds AV1-specific encoder picture parameters, which are sent on a per frame basis |
CNvMediaEncodePicParamsH264 | H264 specific encoder picture params |
CNvMediaEncodePicParamsH265 | Holds H265-specific encoder picture parameters |
CNvMediaEncodePicParamsVP9 | Holds VP9-specific encoder picture parameters, which are sent on a per frame basis |
CNvMediaEncodeQP | Holds quantization parameters (QP) value for frames |
CNvMediaEncodeRCParams | Holds rate control configuration parameters |
CNvMediaEncROIParams | |
CNvMediaFrameStats | Holds the statistics from encode profiling |
CNvMediaIDEFrameStats | Frame stats structure to get get ring entry idx and motion vector dump |
CNvMediaIDEFrameStatus | To Get the decoding status from HW decoder |
CNvMediaIofa | Holds an IOFA object created and returned by NvMediaIOFACreate() |
CNvMediaIofaBufArray | Holds pointers to NvMedia bufObjs containing input and output surfaces |
CNvMediaIofaCapability | Nvmedia Iofa Capability structure |
CNvMediaIofaEpipolarInfo | Structure holds Epipolar information |
CNvMediaIofaInitParams | Holds IOFA Initialization API parameters |
CNvMediaIofaProcessParams | Holds IOFA Process Frame API parameters |
CNvMediaIofaPydHintParams | Parameters related to input pyramid hint surface |
CNvMediaIofaROIParams | Structure holds ROI information |
CNvMediaIofaROIRectParams | Holds Co-ordinates for Region of Interest |
CNvMediaIofaSGMParams | Holds SGM parameters TBD: Add more details about SGM Params with input range |
CNvMediaJPEGAppMarkerInfo | Holds image JPEG decoder marker Info |
CNVMEDIAJPEGDecAttributes | Holds image JPEG decoder attributes |
CNVMEDIAJPEGDecInfo | Holds image JPEG decoder stream information |
CNvMediaJPEncAttributes | Image JPEG encoder attributes |
CNvMediaJPHuffmanTableSpecfication | Image JPEG encoder HuffmanTable |
CNvMediaLdcAttributes | Attributes structure for NvMediaLdcCreate() |
CNvMediaLdcCameraExtrinsic | Extrinsic camera parameters |
CNvMediaLdcCameraIntrinsic | Instrinsic camera parameters |
CNvMediaLdcChecksum | Represents a checksum |
CNvMediaLdcControlPoint | Represents a control point |
CNvMediaLdcIptParameters | Holds inverse perspective transformation configuration |
CNvMediaLdcLensDistortion | Distortion coefficients for the lens model |
CNvMediaLdcMaskMapParameters | Holds the Mask Map information |
CNvMediaLdcParametersAttributes | Attributes that specify resources needed for NvMediaLdcParameters instance |
CNvMediaLdcRegionParameters | Holds the NvMedia LDC region configuration |
CNvMediaLdcResult | Stores information returned from NvMediaLdcProcess() |
CNvMediaLdcTnrParameters | Holds the TNR3 initialization parameters |
CNvMediaLdcWarpMapParameters | Holds the NvMedia LDC definition of a Warp Map |
CNvMediaMasteringDisplayData | Mastering display data for an H.265 picture |
CNvMediaMotionVectorFrameMetaData | Motion vector array to get the required current frame stats |
CNvMediaMotionVectorMB_Metadata | Per Macroblock header information |
CNvMediaNalData | This is used to get header info (SPS/PPS/VPS) using GetAttribute call |
CNvMediaParserClientCb | |
CNvMediaParserParams | Holds initialization parameters for the decoder class |
CNvMediaParserPictureData | Holds picture information for the current frame decode operation |
CNvMediaParserSeqInfo | Holds video sequence information |
CNvMediaPictureInfoH264 | Picture parameter information for an H.264 picture |
CNvMediaPictureInfoH265 | Holds picture parameter information for an H.265 picture |
CNvMediaPictureInfoMPEG1Or2 | Holds picture parameter information for an MPEG 1 or MPEG 2 picture |
CNvMediaPictureInfoMPEG4Part2 | Holds picture parameter information for an MPEG-4 Part 2 picture |
CNvMediaPictureInfoVC1 | Holds picture parameter information for a VC1 picture |
CNvMediaPictureInfoVP8 | Picture parameter information for a VP8 picture |
CNvMediaPictureInfoVP9 | Holds picture parameter information for a VP9 picture |
CNvMediaRect | Holds a rectangular region of a surface |
CNvMediaReferenceFrameH264 | Information about an H.264 reference frame |
CNvMediaSEIPayloadH264 | H.264 SEI payload information Used by the parser only |
CNvMediaSliceDecodeData | Slice level data used with slice level decoding |
CNvMediaTaskStatus | Holds status of latest operation for NvMedia managed data structure |
CNvMediaTensorAttr | Holds tensor creation attributes |
CNvMediaTensorMetaData | Holds the tensor metadata |
CNvMediaTensorSurfaceMap | Defines the tensor surface map descriptor used by NvMediaTensorLock() |
CNvMediaTensorTaskStatus | Holds the status of the latest operation for a tensor |
CNvMediaVersion | Holds NvMedia version information |
CNvMediaVP9BackwardUpdates | Holds VP9 counters for adaptive entropy contexts |
CNvmediaVP9EntropyProbs | Holds VP9 entropy contexts |
CNvPointF32Rec | |
CNvPointRec | This structure is used to determine a location on a 2-dimensional object, where the coordinate (0,0) is located at the top-left of the object |
CNvRectF32Rec | This structure is used to define a 2-dimensional rectangle with floating point coordinates |
CNvRectRec | This structure is used to define a 2-dimensional rectangle where the rectangle is bottom right exclusive (that is, the right most column, and the bottom row of the rectangle is not included) |
CNvRmGpuClockAsyncNotImplemented | OS-specific type of asynchronous clock request handle (unimplemented) |
CNvRmGpuClockDomainInfoRec | Clock domain info |
CNvRmGpuClockGetEntryRec | Entry for clock get request |
CNvRmGpuClockPointRec | Clock voltage/frequency point |
CNvRmGpuClockRangeRec | Frequency range for clock domain |
CNvRmGpuClockSetEntryRec | Entry for clock set request |
CNvRmGpuDeviceEventInfoRec | GPU device event |
CNvRmGpuDeviceEventSessionOpenAttrRec | Extensible attribute structure for NvRmGpuDeviceEventSessionOpen() |
CNvRmGpuDeviceOpenAttrRec | Extensible attribute structure for NvRmGpuDeviceOpen() |
CNvRmGpuLibDeviceListEntryRec | Device list entry |
CNvRmGpuLibOpenAttrRec | Extensible attribute structure for NvRmGpuLibOpen() |
CNvRmGpuLibVersionInfoRec | The version information structure returned by NvRmGpuLibGetVersionInfo() |
CNvSciBufAttrKeyValuePair | This structure defines a key/value pair used to get or set the NvSciBufAttrKey(s) and their corresponding values from or to NvSciBufAttrList |
CNvSciBufAttrValGpuCache | Datatype specifying GPU cacheability preference for a particular GPU ID |
CNvSciBufAttrValGpuCompression | Datatype specifying compression type needed for a particular GPU ID |
CNvSciBufRect | Datatype specifying the surface co-ordinates for NvSciBufObjGetPixels / NvSciBufObjPutPixels functionality |
CNvSciEventLoopService | An abstract interface that event consumer can wait for events using event notifier in event loop |
CNvSciEventNotifier | An abstract interface to notify event to event consumer and to register event handler of the event consumer client process |
CNvSciEventService | An abstract interface for a program's event handling infrastructure |
CNvSciIpcEndpointInfo | Defines information about the NvSciIpc endpoint |
CNvSciLocalEvent | An OS-agnostic object that sends signal to another thread in the same process |
CNvSciRmGpuId | Defines GPU ID structure |
CNvSciSyncAttrKeyValuePair | This structure defines a key/value pair used to get or set the NvSciSyncAttrKey(s) and their corresponding values from or to NvSciSyncAttrList |
CNvSciSyncFence | Defines the opaque NvSciSyncFence |
CNvSciSyncFenceIpcExportDescriptor | Defines the exported form of NvSciSyncFence intended to be shared across an NvSciIpc channel |
CNvSciSyncObjIpcExportDescriptor | Defines the exported form of NvSciSyncObj intended to be shared across an NvSciIpc channel |
CNvSiplCapInputFormat | Holds the capture input format |
CNvSizeRec | This structure is used to define a 2-dimensional surface where the surface is determined by it's height and width in pixels |
Cosi_core_avb_algorithm | OSI Core avb data structure per queue |
Cosi_core_frp_cmd | FRP command structure for OSD to OSI |
Cosi_est_config | OSI Core EST structure |
Cosi_fpe_config | OSI Core FPE structure |
Cosi_mmc_counters | Osi_mmc_counters - The structure to hold RMON counter values |
Cosi_stats | OSI Core error stats structure |