| Defines the minimum supported image width. More...
| Defines the maximum supported image width. More...
| Defines the minimum supported image height. More...
| Defines the maximum supported image height. More...
| Defines the minimum supported frame rate. More...
| Defines the maximum supported frame rate. More...
#define | NVSIPL_PIXEL_ORDER_LUMA (0x00000001U) |
| PIXEL_ORDER flags for YUV surface type. More...
#define | NVSIPL_PIXEL_ORDER_YUV (0x00000002U) |
| YUV component order flag. More...
#define | NVSIPL_PIXEL_ORDER_YVU (0x00000003U) |
| YVU component order flag. More...
#define | NVSIPL_PIXEL_ORDER_YUYV (0x00000004U) |
| YUYV component order flag. More...
#define | NVSIPL_PIXEL_ORDER_YVYU (0x00000005U) |
| YVYU component order flag. More...
#define | NVSIPL_PIXEL_ORDER_VYUY (0x00000006U) |
| VYUY component order flag. More...
#define | NVSIPL_PIXEL_ORDER_UYVY (0x00000007U) |
| UYVY component order flag. More...
#define | NVSIPL_PIXEL_ORDER_XUYV (0x00000008U) |
| XUYV component order flag. More...
#define | NVSIPL_PIXEL_ORDER_XYUV (0x00000009U) |
| XYUV component order flag. More...
#define | NVSIPL_PIXEL_ORDER_VUYX (0x0000000AU) |
| VUYX component order flag. More...
#define | NVSIPL_PIXEL_ORDER_ALPHA (0x00000011U) |
| NVM_SURF_ATTR_PIXEL_ORDER flags for RGBA surface type. More...
#define | NVSIPL_PIXEL_ORDER_RGBA (0x00000012U) |
| RGBA component order flag. More...
#define | NVSIPL_PIXEL_ORDER_ARGB (0x00000013U) |
| ARGB component order flag. More...
#define | NVSIPL_PIXEL_ORDER_BGRA (0x00000014U) |
| BGRA component order flag. More...
#define | NVSIPL_PIXEL_ORDER_RG (0x00000015U) |
| RG component order flag. More...
#define | NVSIPL_PIXEL_ORDER_RGGB (0x00000021U) |
| NVM_SURF_ATTR_PIXEL_ORDER flags for RAW surface type. More...
#define | NVSIPL_PIXEL_ORDER_BGGR (0x00000022U) |
| BGGR component order flag. More...
#define | NVSIPL_PIXEL_ORDER_GRBG (0x00000023U) |
| GRBG component order flag. More...
#define | NVSIPL_PIXEL_ORDER_GBRG (0x00000024U) |
| GBRG component order flag. More...
#define | NVSIPL_PIXEL_ORDER_RCCB (0x00000025U) |
| RCCB component order flag. More...
#define | NVSIPL_PIXEL_ORDER_BCCR (0x00000026U) |
| BCCR component order flag. More...
#define | NVSIPL_PIXEL_ORDER_CRBC (0x00000027U) |
| CRBC component order flag. More...
#define | NVSIPL_PIXEL_ORDER_CBRC (0x00000028U) |
| CBRC component order flag. More...
#define | NVSIPL_PIXEL_ORDER_RCCC (0x00000029U) |
| RCCC component order flag. More...
#define | NVSIPL_PIXEL_ORDER_CCCR (0x0000002AU) |
| CCCR component order flag. More...
#define | NVSIPL_PIXEL_ORDER_CRCC (0x0000002BU) |
| CRCC component order flag. More...
#define | NVSIPL_PIXEL_ORDER_CCRC (0x0000002CU) |
| CCRC component order flag. More...
#define | NVSIPL_PIXEL_ORDER_CCCC (0x0000002DU) |
| CCCC component order flag. More...
#define | NVSIPL_PIXEL_ORDER_BGGI_RGGI (0x0000002EU) |
| NVM_SURF_ATTR_PIXEL_ORDER flags for RAW RGB-IR surface type. More...
#define | NVSIPL_PIXEL_ORDER_GBIG_GRIG (0x0000002FU) |
| GBIG_GRIG component order flag. More...
#define | NVSIPL_PIXEL_ORDER_GIBG_GIRG (0x00000030U) |
| GIBG_GIRG component order flag. More...
#define | NVSIPL_PIXEL_ORDER_IGGB_IGGR (0x00000031U) |
| IGGB_IGGR component order flag. More...
#define | NVSIPL_PIXEL_ORDER_RGGI_BGGI (0x00000032U) |
| RGGI_BGGI component order flag. More...
#define | NVSIPL_PIXEL_ORDER_GRIG_GBIG (0x00000033U) |
| GRIG_GBIG component order flag. More...
#define | NVSIPL_PIXEL_ORDER_GIRG_GIBG (0x00000034U) |
| GIRG_GIBG component order flag. More...
#define | NVSIPL_PIXEL_ORDER_IGGR_IGGB (0x00000035U) |
| IGGR_IGGB component order flag. More...