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  • NVIDIA DRIVE OS Linux SDK API Reference

    6.0.9 Release
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    nvmedia_ijpe.h File Reference

    Detailed Description

    NVIDIA Media Interface: Image JPEG Encode Processing API

    Description: This file contains the ImageJPEG Encode Processing API".

    Definition in file nvmedia_ijpe.h.

    Go to the source code of this file.

    Data Structures

    struct  NvMediaJPHuffmanTableSpecfication
     image JPEG encoder HuffmanTable. More...
    struct  NvMediaJPEncAttributes
     image JPEG encoder attributes. More...


     Major Version number. More...
     Minor Version number. More...
     Patch Version number. More...
     Specifies the maximum number of times NvMediaIJPEInsertPreNvSciSyncFence() can be called before each call to NvMediaIJPEFeedFrame(). More...
     JPEG encoder flag empty. More...
     JPEG encoder flag to skip SOI marker. More...
     Quality. More...
     Restart interval. More...
     encode frame target size More...
     Luma/Chroma quant table. More...
     Huffmann table. More...


    typedef struct NvMediaIJPE NvMediaIJPE
     An opaque NvMediaIJPE object created by NvMediaIJPECreate. More...


    NvMediaStatus NvMediaIJPEGetVersion (NvMediaVersion *version)
     Retrieves the version information for the NvMedia IJPE library. More...
    NvMediaIJPENvMediaIJPECreate (NvSciBufAttrList bufAttrList, uint8_t maxOutputBuffering, uint32_t maxBitstreamBytes, NvMediaJPEGInstanceId instanceId)
     Creates a JPEG encoder object capable of turning a stream of surfaces of the inputFormat into a JPEG stream. More...
    NvMediaIJPENvMediaIJPECreateEx (uint8_t maxOutputBuffering, uint32_t maxBitstreamBytes, NvMediaJPEGInstanceId instanceId)
     Creates a JPEG encoder object capable of turning a stream of surfaces of the inputFormat into a JPEG stream. More...
    void NvMediaIJPEDestroy (NvMediaIJPE *encoder)
     Destroys an NvMedia image JPEG encoder. More...
    NvMediaStatus NvMediaIJPEFeedFrame (const NvMediaIJPE *encoder, NvSciBufObj bufObj, uint8_t quality, NvMediaJPEGInstanceId instanceId)
     Encodes the specified bufObj with input quality. More...
    NvMediaStatus NvMediaIJPEFeedFrameQuant (const NvMediaIJPE *encoder, NvSciBufObj bufObj, uint8_t *lumaQuant, uint8_t *chromaQuant, NvMediaJPEGInstanceId instanceId)
     Encodes the specified bufObj with input Luma and Chroma quant tables. More...
    NvMediaStatus NvMediaIJPEFeedFrameRateControl (const NvMediaIJPE *encoder, NvSciBufObj bufObj, uint8_t *lumaQuant, uint8_t *chromaQuant, uint32_t targetImageSize, NvMediaJPEGInstanceId instanceId)
     Encodes the specified bufObj with input Luma and Chroma quant tables and targetImageSize. More...
    NvMediaStatus NvMediaIJPESetAttributes (const NvMediaIJPE *encoder, uint32_t attributeMask, const void *attributes)
     Sets the JPEG encoder attributes. More...
    NvMediaStatus NvMediaIJPEGetBits (const NvMediaIJPE *encoder, uint32_t *numBytes, void *buffer, uint32_t flags)
     Returns a frame's worth of bitstream into the provided buffer. More...
    NvMediaStatus NvMediaIJPEBitsAvailable (const NvMediaIJPE *encoder, uint32_t *numBytesAvailable, NvMediaBlockingType blockingType, uint32_t millisecondTimeout)
     Returns the encode status and number of bytes available for the next frame (if any). More...
    NvMediaStatus NvMediaIJPERegisterNvSciBufObj (const NvMediaIJPE *encoder, NvSciBufObj bufObj)
     Registers NvSciBufObj for use with a NvMediaIJPE handle. More...
    NvMediaStatus NvMediaIJPEUnregisterNvSciBufObj (const NvMediaIJPE *encoder, NvSciBufObj bufObj)
     Un-registers NvSciBufObj which was previously registered with NvMediaIJPE using NvMediaIJPERegisterNvSciBufObj(). More...
    NvMediaStatus NvMediaIJPEFillNvSciBufAttrList (NvMediaJPEGInstanceId instanceId, NvSciBufAttrList attrlist)
     Fills the NvMediaIJPE specific NvSciBuf attributes which than then be used to allocate an NvSciBufObj that NvMediaIJPE can consume. More...
    NvMediaStatus NvMediaIJPEFillNvSciSyncAttrList (const NvMediaIJPE *encoder, NvSciSyncAttrList attrlist, NvMediaNvSciSyncClientType clienttype)
     Fills the NvMediaIJPE specific NvSciSync attributes. More...
    NvMediaStatus NvMediaIJPERegisterNvSciSyncObj (const NvMediaIJPE *encoder, NvMediaNvSciSyncObjType syncobjtype, NvSciSyncObj nvscisync)
     Registers an NvSciSyncObj with NvMediaIJPE. More...
    NvMediaStatus NvMediaIJPEUnregisterNvSciSyncObj (const NvMediaIJPE *encoder, NvSciSyncObj nvscisync)
     Unregisters an NvSciSyncObj with NvMediaIJPE. More...
    NvMediaStatus NvMediaIJPESetNvSciSyncObjforEOF (const NvMediaIJPE *encoder, NvSciSyncObj nvscisyncEOF)
     Specifies the NvSciSyncObj to be used for an EOF NvSciSyncFence. More...
    NvMediaStatus NvMediaIJPEInsertPreNvSciSyncFence (const NvMediaIJPE *encoder, const NvSciSyncFence *prenvscisyncfence)
     Sets an NvSciSyncFence as a prefence for an NvMediaIJPEFeedFrame() NvSciSyncFence operation. More...
    NvMediaStatus NvMediaIJPEGetEOFNvSciSyncFence (const NvMediaIJPE *encoder, NvSciSyncObj eofnvscisyncobj, NvSciSyncFence *eofnvscisyncfence)
     Gets EOF NvSciSyncFence for an NvMediaIJPEFeedFrame() operation. More...