Description: This file contains API for GPU library management, clock controls, sensors, and device events.
Refer to GPU access API for general documentation.
Definition in file nvrm_gpu.h.
Go to the source code of this file.
Data Structures | |
struct | NvRmGpuLibVersionInfoRec |
The version information structure returned by NvRmGpuLibGetVersionInfo(). More... | |
struct | NvRmGpuLibOpenAttrRec |
Extensible attribute structure for NvRmGpuLibOpen() More... | |
struct | NvRmGpuLibDeviceListEntryRec |
Device list entry. More... | |
struct | NvRmGpuDeviceOpenAttrRec |
Extensible attribute structure for NvRmGpuDeviceOpen() More... | |
struct | NvRmGpuClockGetEntryRec |
Entry for clock get request. More... | |
struct | NvRmGpuClockSetEntryRec |
Entry for clock set request. More... | |
struct | NvRmGpuClockRangeRec |
Frequency range for clock domain. More... | |
struct | NvRmGpuClockPointRec |
Clock voltage/frequency point. More... | |
struct | NvRmGpuClockDomainInfoRec |
Clock domain info. More... | |
struct | NvRmGpuDeviceEventSessionOpenAttrRec |
Extensible attribute structure for NvRmGpuDeviceEventSessionOpen(). More... | |
struct | NvRmGpuDeviceEventInfoRec |
GPU device event. More... | |
Macros | |
#define | NVRM_GPU_DEFINE_LIB_OPEN_ATTR(x) NvRmGpuLibOpenAttr x = { 0U } |
Definer macro for NvRmGpuLibOpenAttr. More... | |
Pseudo-index for the default (primary) device. More... | |
#define | NVRM_GPU_DEFINE_DEVICE_OPEN_ATTR(x) NvRmGpuDeviceOpenAttr x = { NvRmGpuSyncType_Default, false } |
Definer macro for NvRmGpuDeviceOpen(). More... | |
Format macro for printf for printing NvRmGpuClockAsyncReqHandle. More... | |
Invalid handle value. More... | |
#define | NVRM_GPU_DEFINE_DEVICE_EVENT_SESSION_ATTR(x) NvRmGpuDeviceEventSessionOpenAttr x = { NULL, 0 } |
Definer macro for NvRmGpuDeviceEventSessionOpenAttr. More... | |
Functions | |
const NvRmGpuLibVersionInfo * | NvRmGpuLibGetVersionInfo (void) |
Returns the library version information. More... | |
NvRmGpuLib * | NvRmGpuLibOpen (const NvRmGpuLibOpenAttr *attr) |
Opens a new instance of the nvrm_gpu library. More... | |
NvError | NvRmGpuLibClose (NvRmGpuLib *hLib) |
Closes the library and releases all resources. More... | |
const NvRmGpuLibDeviceListEntry * | NvRmGpuLibListDevices (NvRmGpuLib *hLib, size_t *pNumDevices) |
Returns the list of probed GPUs. More... | |
NvError | NvRmGpuDeviceOpen (NvRmGpuLib *hLib, int deviceIndex, const NvRmGpuDeviceOpenAttr *attr, NvRmGpuDevice **phDevice) |
Opens a GPU device. More... | |
NvError | NvRmGpuDeviceClose (NvRmGpuDevice *hDevice) |
Closes the GPU device. More... | |
NvError | NvRmGpuClockGetDomains (NvRmGpuDevice *hDevice, const NvRmGpuClockDomainInfo **infos, size_t *pNumDomains) |
Returns available GPU clock domains for the device. More... | |
NvError | NvRmGpuClockGetPoints (NvRmGpuDevice *hDevice, NvRmGpuClockDomain domain, NvRmGpuClockPoint *pClkPoints, size_t *pNumPoints) |
Retrieves voltage/frequency (VF) points for a given clock domain. For information about VF points, see NvRmGpuClockAsyncReqHandle. More... | |
NvError | NvRmGpuClockSet (NvRmGpuDevice *hDevice, const NvRmGpuClockSetEntry *pClkSetEntries, size_t numEntries, NvRmGpuClockAsyncReqHandle *phReq) |
Requests minimum clocks for one or more clock domains. More... | |
NvError | NvRmGpuClockWaitAsyncReq (NvRmGpuDevice *hDevice, const NvRmGpuClockAsyncReqHandle *phReqs, size_t numEntries, uint32_t timeoutMs) |
Waits for the completion of one or more asynchronous clock requests. More... | |
NvError | NvRmGpuClockCloseAsyncReq (NvRmGpuDevice *hDevice, NvRmGpuClockAsyncReqHandle hReq) |
Closes an asynchronous clock request handle. More... | |
NvError | NvRmGpuClockWaitAnyEvent (NvRmGpuDevice *hDevice, uint32_t timeoutMs) |
This function is not implemented and it should be deleted. More... | |
NvError | NvRmGpuClockGet (NvRmGpuDevice *hDevice, NvRmGpuClockGetEntry *pClkGetEntries, size_t numEntries) |
Request one or more clock domain frequency state. More... | |
NvError | NvRmGpuDeviceListVoltageSensors (NvRmGpuDevice *hDevice, const NvRmGpuDeviceVoltage **pSensors, size_t *pNumSensors) |
Returns the list of available voltage sensors for the device. More... | |
NvError | NvRmGpuDeviceGetVoltage (NvRmGpuDevice *hDevice, NvRmGpuDeviceVoltage which, uint64_t *pVoltageMicroVolt) |
Retrieves the voltage sensor reading. More... | |
NvError | NvRmGpuDeviceListCurrentSensors (NvRmGpuDevice *hDevice, const NvRmGpuDeviceCurrent **pSensors, size_t *pNumSensors) |
Returns the list of available electric current sensors for the device. More... | |
NvError | NvRmGpuDeviceGetCurrent (NvRmGpuDevice *hDevice, NvRmGpuDeviceCurrent which, uint64_t *pCurrentMicroAmpere) |
Retrieves the electric current reading. More... | |
NvError | NvRmGpuDeviceListPowerSensors (NvRmGpuDevice *hDevice, const NvRmGpuDevicePower **pSensors, size_t *pNumSensors) |
Returns the list of available power sensors for the device. More... | |
NvError | NvRmGpuDeviceGetPower (NvRmGpuDevice *hDevice, NvRmGpuDevicePower which, uint64_t *pPowerMicroWatt) |
Retrieves the power sensor reading. More... | |
NvError | NvRmGpuDeviceListTemperatureSensors (NvRmGpuDevice *hDevice, const NvRmGpuDeviceTemperature **pSensors, size_t *pNumSensors) |
Returns the list of available temperature sensors for the device. More... | |
NvError | NvRmGpuDeviceGetTemperature (NvRmGpuDevice *hDevice, NvRmGpuDeviceTemperature which, int32_t *pTemperatureMilliCelsius) |
Retrieves the temperature sensor reading. More... | |
NvError | NvRmGpuDeviceThermalAlertSetLimit (NvRmGpuDevice *hDevice, int32_t temperature_mC) |
Sets the thermal alert limit. More... | |
static void | NvRmGpuDeviceEventSessionOpenAttrSetAllEvents (NvRmGpuDeviceEventSessionOpenAttr *attr) |
Assigns device events attribute structure with a list of all events to listen to. More... | |
NvError | NvRmGpuDeviceEventSessionOpen (NvRmGpuDevice *hDevice, const NvRmGpuDeviceEventSessionOpenAttr *attr, NvRmGpuDeviceEventSession **phSession) |
Opens a session to monitor device events. More... | |
NvError | NvRmGpuDeviceEventSessionRead (NvRmGpuDeviceEventSession *hSession, NvRmGpuDeviceEventInfo *pEventInfo, uint32_t timeoutMs) |
Read next device event. More... | |
NvError | NvRmGpuDeviceEventSessionClose (NvRmGpuDeviceEventSession *hSession) |
Closes the device event session. More... | |