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  • Software Setup

    Default software setup method

    You can start using Jetson Orin Nano Developer Kit right away by simply inserting a flashed microSD card and power it on with the bundled power supply.
    NVIDIA provides a SD card image that has OS and all the NVIDIA SDK software, so you can flash your microSD card using your computer (Windows, Mac, Linux).

    This is covered in Getting Started with Jetson Orin Nano Developer Kit .

    Optional Flow with Host Linux PC

    Besides this default setup with microSD card, there is an optional setup flow in which you use a Linux host PC to run NVIDIA SDK Manager to (1) flash an Jetson Linux image of selected JetPack version on your selection of primary storage medium (microSD card, NVMe SSD or USB drive) and/or (2) install JetPack components of selected JetPack version using the host PC.


    You may choose to use SDK Manager when, for example;

    • You want to flash the base L4T BSP on your choice of storage medium (microSD card, NVMe SSD, USB drive, or eMMC if you happen to use Jetson Orin NX module)

    Read on for instructions on how to use SDK Manager for each usage.

    How to install SDK Manager

    How to install SDK Manager


    To install SDK Manager you need;

    • Ubuntu Desktop 20.04 on x86_64 system (host machine)
      • System Memory 8GB
      • Free disk space: minimum of 25GB

    Check NVIDIA SDK Manager documentation for System Requirements detail.

    On your x86-64 PC, click here to download the Debian package file for the latest SDK Manager.


    To download (and later run) SDK Manager, you need NVIDIA Developer Program Membership.

    Log in or sign up for an NVIDIA account.

    The Debian package file is named as sdkmanager_[version]-[build#]_amd64.deb , like sdkmanager_1.7.3-9053_amd64.deb

    In the directory where you downloaded the file, issue the following command to install the Debian package.

    sudo apt install ./sdkmanager_*-*_amd64.deb 

    Login and Run SDK Manager

    You can launch the SDK Manager either by clicking the icon from Ubuntu launcher, or type the following command in the terminal.


    On the initial login screen, click NVIDIA DEVELOPER tab and press LOGIN button. Complete the login process on a web page, then come back to SDK Manager.

    (1) How to use SDK Manager to Flash L4T BSP

    (1) How to use SDK Manager to Flash L4T BSP

    Hardware Setup

    Connect NVIDIA Jetson Orin Nano Developer Kit to the PC with a USB Type-C cable.

    While shorting the FC REC pin and GND pin of the 12-pin header under the module, insert the power supply plug into the DC jack.

    This will turn on the Jetson dev kit in Force Recovery Mode .


    1. Launch SDK Manger
    2. On the Step 01 Development Environment window;
      • From the Product Category panel, select Jetson.
      • From the Hardware Configuration panel, de-select "Host Machine" and select Jetson Orin Nano Developer Kit for Target Hardware.
      • Click " CONTINUE " button.
      • From the Target Components panel, just select " Jetson OS " to install the base L4T BSP, and deselect "Jetson SDK Components".
      • Review the license.
      • Enable the checkbox to accept the license agreements.
      • Click CONTINUE button.

      On the Step 02 Details and License window;

      Before the installation begins, SDK Manager prompts you to enter your sudo password.

    3. Step 03 Setup Process window shows the download progress.

      SDK Manager opens a dialog when it is ready to flash your target device. A prompt provides instructions for preparing your device to get it ready for flashing.

    4. On the flashing prompt;

      • Select "Manual Setup - Jetson AGX Orin" for 1.
      • Ignore 7, OEM configuration.
      • Select your desired storage device to flash the L4T BSP to for 8, Storage Device.
      • Click Flash button.

    When flashing is done, the Jetson developer kit will reboot and boot into the L4T BSP.

    Yon can complete the OEM Config as described here .

    (2) How to use SDK Manager to Install JetPack Components

    (2) Use SDK Manager to Install JetPack Components

    Hardware Setup

    Make sure your NVIDIA Jetson Orin Nano Developer Kit has the base L4T BSP flashed, the Ubuntu system is up and running, and you can login to the system.

    While the NVIDIA Jetson Orin Nano Developer Kit is turned on, connect it to the PC with a USB Type-C cable.


    1. Launch SDK Manger
    2. On the Step 01 Development Environment window;
      • From the Product Category panel, select Jetson.
      • From the Hardware Configuration panel, de-select "Host Machine" and select Jetson AGX Orin module for Target Hardware.
      • Click " CONTINUE " button.
    3. On the Step 02 Details and License window;

      • From the Target Components panel, de-select " Jetson OS " and select "Jetson SDK Components" to install all the reset of the JetPack components.
      • Review the license.
      • Enable the checkbox to accept the license agreements.
      • Click CONTINUE button.
    4. Step 03 Setup Process window immediately bring up a dialog for inputting login information to install JetPack components

      • Leave the Connection as "USB".
      • Leave the IPv4 address as .
      • Click " Install " button.

      Once the dialog is closed, the download progress ins shows on the Step 03 Setup Process window.
